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Deep into darkness peering, long I stood there,wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams that no mortal dared to dream before.
-Edgar Allen Poe

•Dahlias POV•

I sat in the diner, next to Morpheus whose warmth radiated from his cold gloomy body, he then put John to sleep, and so did I too, sleep.

Darkness, a endless void. That's where I stood awaiting for the next thing to happen.
"Morpheus?" I called, slightly afraid yet the silence welcomed me,

"Morpheus!" I called once more, loudly. Nothing. I hummed walking around, scared that maybe I'd fall into a bottomless pit, I beckoned into a sprint, and soon the blackness of the skies and the landscape fades and blended into a misty forest which a sun shone and overcasted down upon everything.

"Morpheus!" I screamed once more never stopping, not even to take a breath. My lungs starting to burn, screaming for oxygen. Soon the feelings subside, and I found myself no longer needing to stop, to breathe, to think.

Up ahead a castle, it was glorious and the sun made its white marble and gold pearlescent, where was I?
Huffing as I came to a halt, a large gate unlike no other barricaded the monument.

"You lost?" Asked a feminine voice from behind,
Sharply turning on my heels, I didn't see their face for it slightly was blurred. But as they saw me their face opened up into a big smile and cheeks no doubt warmed with rose pink hue.

"Oh dear!" She was beautiful, her skin a chocolate brown kissed by the sun. Her hair white with brains, hair pendants twisted in, like someone from a fairytale. Approaching me she smiled and cupped my face, she was maybe no older then thirty.

"I know that face anywhere." The women vaguely stated,

"Sorry do I know you?" I asked pulling away,
"Where am I?"

"You are home, the realm of divinity." She smiled,

"Why cannot I see your face?" Asking curiously as I was drawn to her touching her face she just put her hands over my own.

"My name is Daphne." And as she uttered her name Daphnes face glossed and shone with radiance, she was beauty defined, her hair bounced with white blonde curls, skin pure of any imperfections.

"And you are Dahlia, daughter of Apollo. Come, your father will be so pleased." Daphne braced me as she took my hand and they pushed open the palace gates,

A band of lyres played melodically on the stone stairs, "Here everyone is at their perfect and peaked age, so we look young but don't mistake some are hundreds years old." Daphne smiled as they breached the palace court.

The garden bountiful with fruit trees and flowers plenty, man carried gold platters of wine and foods.
"Husband!" Called Daphne, it didn't really sink in what was about to happen.

"Wait." I held back, my words quiet. pulling out of her grasp and backed away a few steps,
"Wife what is it?" Apollo asked be halted in his stead looking at who stood before him,

"Dahlia." Apollo uttered, a face of shame and hope dawned on him.

"You don't know me." I questioned scared.

"I know you, I watched you grow up. I regretted leaving you alone." Apollo walked forward, but with one foot in front of the other my stomachs sank and I felt cold. When the sun shone I felt the overcast of clouds weigh down on me.

"I dont know you, and you do not know me." I spat, walking away.

"Lia please." Apollo called pleading for his daughter,

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