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It grew dark, the pair alongside their minder had been transported to an eery port where storage containers were shut off,

"I feel my Ruby." Morpheus hummed eagerly, walking towards a large warehouse.

"You can feel it?" Dahlia questioned,
"My tools are more a part of me then I of them. My helm allows me to see my Ruby even from a grand distance."

Morpheus had pushed open the large steel door which laid behind numerous containers and shelves.
Dahlia walked behind him, he had seen a red glow from a small box.

"My Ruby!" Morpheus exclaimed as he approached it, but a growing pit of dread grew in Dahlias stomach. As the pair walked closer, Dahlia grabbed his wrist stopping him from continuing to walk closer to the shiny object.

"I don't think we should, the person who stashed it probably placed a trap." Dahlia warned, though it went in vain as Morpheus ignored Dahlias caution.

"I've waited a hundred years, I will not wait any longer." Morpheus pulled his arm out of her grip the two walked hastily towards the Ruby.

The next thing both knew was the impact of the hard concrete floor, the darkness consumed. Morpheus his helm flew off landing probably a few feet away, unconscious as was Dahlia who would wake to her head pounding which was grazed and no doubt bleeding.

"Boss!" Matthew cawed, his master lying not alive nor dead on the concrete. His concern grew with every shout to awake Morpheus,

"Lia!" Matthew hopped tilting his head to face the unconscious women who didn't respond of course,
He heard groaning of Morpheus and flew, perching in front of his.

"Someone's tampered with my ruby." Morpheus huffed sitting up, he looked around. And in the pit of his stomachs he felt a tense build up of relentless, his breathing caught up rapidly as his heart would beat out of his chest.

But a few feet ahead, he eyed Dahlia, crawling to her he felt that feeling not cease especially at the sight of the gashing wound apparent of her forehead.

Matthew could of sworn he heard Morpheus curse but wasn't sure, "She'll be fine." Morpheus sighed checking her pulse, he reached to stroke her cheek and for some reason Morpheus liked doing so.

Matthew watched tilted head in awe, but seconds later flew away not wanting to infiltrate a personal moment. Morpheus wanted her to wake up, not because they needed to find out what had happened to his ruby. But the longer she stayed comatose the longer Morpheus was remained her hurt. He would make John pay.

"How dare he tamper with such power." Morpheus seethed with hate and anger he didn't see Dahlia slowly wake, not until he heard her slurring her words. She was calling for him.

"Dream." Dahlia reached out, her vision slightly blurry as she stood up,
"Morph." An intense urge to throw up and she stood up, stumbling into a shelf, Morpheus ran to catch her from falling.

"I'm here." Morpheus hummed their hands clasped together his free hand around her waist as he steadied her balance.

Dahlias free hand clinging onto a steel shelf,
"That was one big energy shock." Dahlia hummed,
Morpheus waited and soon Dahlia showed signs she was going to be okay, he let go. But soon Dahlia missed his touch and craved for it.

But that would be weird,

Morpheus looked at her cut and purses his lips.
"I think we should get you checked out, Lucienne knows what to do." Morpheus assumed but Dahlia declined,

"No." Dahlia huffed, "I'll be fine." She didn't wanna be further troublesome, Morpheus wasn't convinced. "You are wounded, a head wound that could be fatal. Please." Morpheus persisted, however Dahlia just ripped off the sleeve of her shirt pressing it against her wound, the blood seeped and she knew she'd eventually need to get stitches.

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