We walk into the kitchen and he's pacing around the island with his hand covering his mouth.

" One day....I can't have one fucking day where you or the consequences of you doesn't ruin my life" he points at her.

" Frank I just wanted to talk " She says quietly.

" TALK , you interrupted my wedding to talk " he raises his voice , I flinch at the booming sound.

" A wedding I was never invited to " She says with a hint of annoyance.

Nikki starts to laugh. Uh oh.

" You're insane " is all he says back. He continues to laugh.

" You are actually insane...did you honestly expect to be invited ? You have never turned up to anything I ever did my whole life , birthdays , christmas , talent shows , my own shows....how did you even know about today ? " he says the last part defeated.

" I read it on a magazine " she replies. Nikki huffs.

" Imagine reading about your own child's life from a magazine....what if i wasn't famous ? huh ? where would you get all your information from or would you even bother " He steps towards her, she has lost this fight.

" Of course I would bother " she squeaks out.

" LIAR, you're only here because you want something, everything you do has a fucking motive" he shouts.

I want to step in so badly to just stop all the fighting but I know this is something he must do.

" I just wanted to be apart of this day " she sheds a tear.

" well tough shit, i want you off my property now, before I call the cops " he doesn't even look at her as he says this.

" Nikki please I - " she starts but I intervene.

" I think it's best if you leave " I say not backing down. She looks at me and takes a deep breath.

" Fine, have it your way then " And with that she turns and walks out.

The kitchen is silent. We all stand there with a sense of gloom over us. Nikki leans against the island clearly spaced out, I touch his arm and search his eyes, he just shakes his head.

" we'll leave you two alone " Tommy says walking out with the rest.

I place my hands around his waist pulling him closer to me. I wait for him to speak first.

" I'm so sorry Sophia " I look up at him and he's crying.

" Nikki " My hands shoot up to wipe the tears rolling down his cheeks.

" You have absolutely nothing to apologies for "

" Yes I do! She ruined everything " He mutters.

" Only if we let her.... that's something you've taught me.... only if you let her , which we won't " I say smiling trying to make light of the situation.

" We can't go back out there it's embarrassing " He says looking out at our guests.

" Nikki you have died before , have been arrested loads, most of them have probably seen you naked at one point or another  and you're worried about being embarrassed " I give a small laugh to which he manages to crack a smile.

" they are all different, this is far more embarrassing" he says lowly.

" You know sometimes I wonder if making up with her is easier than resenting her... i'm so tired of it all"

" Maybe ? but you can't trust her unfortunately, actions speak louder than words and if she was of any sound mind with good intentions she wouldn't have done what she done today " I tell him truth.

" Yeah you're right " He sighs. We stay silent for a couple of seconds.

" So what are we gonna do ? " I ask him leaving it up to him.

" You think i'm gonna let her stop me from marrying the woman of my dreams " he smiles down at me.

" Oh thank god , now quick hurry before Donna or someone shows up and tries to do the same " I laugh.

" Yeah not if Jon or Slash beats her to it " He jokes back.

I sure hope not....



Thank you all for reading shot in the dark it means so much to me as i love that story, if i'm being honest I really did have no intention of writing a sequel but you all really seemed to want one so here I am.

Bulletproof // nikki sixx Where stories live. Discover now