Phantom Troup: When they realized they liked you!

Start from the beginning


He had a thing for you since he heard about you, but when he met you his feelings definitely increased.

At first it was pushed off as a fascination with your ability and odd bodily mutation. You were able to eat pounds of raw human meat sometimes so he was curious about you.

That fascination then formed into a slight obsession when he met you in person. Getting to see you up close was an unlikely event, so he took the opportunity to learn as much as possible.

Then with time, his "research" became a bit more personal. Finding out what you did in your spare time, being with you outside of missions.

He found your personality to be more attention grabbing then your features that first caught his attention.




First meeting.

When you had him on his stomach you awoke something unholy within him.

Wasn't a fan at first so he avoided you a lot because of it, but after a while be got use to it.

Now he has a bunch of tattoos on his back.


Technically it was the first meeting, but it took him a few more visits and some time to conclude that he had a thing for you.

He had shalnark do some background information on you, and turns out you use to live in York New.

Later on he saved you and kept coming around to really decide if he liked you or not.

You were nice, gave him free food, and the fact that you feared robbers more than a spider (Not to mention one of the most brutal spider in my opinion) was entertaining to him.

Then he started to ask you on dates, and the more he talked to you the more he realized he actually liked you.


It took him a while.

Mainly because he was confused about well, you as a whole.

You fell in love the first time you met him and you didn't even know him.

He found you annoying at first because you followed him everywhere, but eventually your "bad" luck became his good luck

So he told you what he was and what he did, but you still didn't leave.

Eventually your charm won him over.

You accidentally set his targets house on fire. That's when he decided to keep you around.


His mother tried to explain to him why you might be rejecting him.

He misheard her.

Now he thinks dating you will get him therapy privileges.

It won't.


She liked you before, but it wasn't enough to say she had a crush on you, it was more so admiring your work.

You came from the same place that she did afterall.

Eventually the more she got to know about you from outings, and some little meetings you would bring her to.

While she doesn't know everything about you, she knows enough to find out if she likes you or not.

She got to acknowledge that she liked you when she personally found out how sneaky you were when it came to your nen Ability.


Franklin pointed it out one day when he caught her going over what she could remember about you and what questions she had to ask you if she didn't know already.

Pakunoda! <3


She realized that that when liked you earlier on,, but came to find out you had feelings for her when on a mission, and you helped her out of a fairly deadly situation.

It could've been seen as a simple act of proper behavior when on the job had you not gone the extra mile to take her to a safer area and deal with the targets on your own.

Your flirting was a giveaway, but she passed it off as jokes until that point.

After that you guys got even closer than you were before.

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