Main Characters: How You first met!

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(You two met during a hunters Exam!)
During the second exam, by some strange luck you managed to get caught up in one of those carnivore plants.

You weren't supposed to be alone considering the fact that you walked into this thing with your guardian.

Unfortunatly for you during the first exam you managed to lag so far behind that you split up from him completely.

Now you were alone, and since you weren't exactly the best in combat you were completely screwed.

Struggling around in the plants tight grip, you realised how limited your movement was because of your sweater and the plants grip.

'Should I risk yelling, and attracting help or upsetting my captor?'

You thought to yourself as you pondered for as long as you could, but soon you'd have to pick between screaming or dying silently.

weighing your options, it was better to yell and see if someone would help.

Taking a deep breath, you screamed for help at the top of your lungs, upsetting the plant that soon grunted in distaste from your noises and threw you in the air, opening it's mouth wide and waiting for you to fall into it like a snack.

You went silent the moment it threw you, letting fear settle in as your body fell limply in the air, helpless to whatever fate awaited you.

You could feel your heart drop to your stomach, and your blood run cold as you fell from multiple feet in the air, if someone heard you they'd better be fast or you had to be lucky if they were gonna catch you in time.

Trying one more time, you took a deep breath, closed your eyes, clutched your bag and screamed the rest of the way down, as the fear settled inside you.

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