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Dani had officially just got done writing down lyrics for her new song she sat on the couch watching tv with Luke when she get's a call from a random number/ She answered it.

Dani: Hello

?: Hey is this Dani

Dani: This is her

?: It's me Parker Prescott Reed I'm your younger sister

Dani: Parker hi how are you

Parker: No time for chitchat, dad had a heart attack last night this morning he died,. I know you guys didn't have the best relationship but he's going to be cremated and he would appreciate it if his older daughter came and said goodbye one last time

Dani: Alright I'll be there in 2 hours or so

Parker: Alright

The call ended and Dani sat there with tears in her eyes. She looked at Luke and said' Hold me  I'm fallin' apart cause I might get lost in the dark '. That's what he did he sat there with Dani laying on him holding her while she cried.Soon she decided to write a song about her dad,Shawn, and Frankie. She had a gig tonight at the bar Cassie has been working at and she was going to sing one of her songs again. She sang as she wrote down 'I fell in love with the chemicals, I used to pray for a miracle but now, I know it's all over, we used to sit by the waterside I'd kiss your cheek and say "you're mine", But now I know it's over, and all these little things they start to slip away,' She paused not knowing what to write down now that was until Luke started singing to her 'and all these little things they start to fade away' she wrote the words down as he continued to sing ' and you said "Hold me I'm fallin' apart cause I might get lost in the dark", and this feeling surely can not last so I took it away, took it away from you'. They sat there and sang their ideas for the lyrics out till they decided that it was good enough for tonight, then they left for the hospital, they got the room and went to it. When they walked in Parker stood up and Dani opened her arms. The two girls hugged before Parker pulled away and let Dani walk over to their dad. Dani said " Dad I know we didn't have the best relationship let alone actually have one but I didn't actually mean it when I said that the last place I wanted to see you was in your casket, I'm so so sorry'.


The couple left the hospital a few hours ago they're now at the bar helping Cassie set up the stage for Daniela. Dani was nervous it may not have been the first time performing one of her own songs but she was scared that they wouldn't like it. They had to move tables back so there was enough room to dance if the crowd wanted to.Once it started getting late and the bar was crowded Dani, Nora, Cassie, and the rest of the loyal walked up on stage.Earlier Cassie had talked to Bill about Dani  becoming a permanently paid performer for the bar & he reluctantly agreed.

Cassie:You all know my best friend Daniela

The crowd cheered and some booed when Luke walked up and sat on the stool behind Daniela.

Nora: Alright ... alright go easy on her you guys just loved her a month ago

Daniela: This is my song called ' Chemicals'

Cassie started to play a slow rhythm on the piano while Nora did it on the guitar and someone did it on the drums. Dani started swaying while she hummed into the  microphone. Soon enough she started singing her song. As she sang the crown stood up and grabbed a partner and started dancing in the empty space of the floor. Her and Luke slow danced as she sang. She soon found herself laying her head on his chest while the song came to an end and she stopped singing but Cassie and Nora continued to play. The couple and the crowd enjoyed the comfort of their partners till Dani pulled away and the girls stop.

Dani: Alright who wants to hear a little sneak peak of something my wonderful boyfriend helped me write

The crowed chanted 'let us hear it'.

Luke: Alright here it is

Dani looked back at  Cassie telling her to change the piano out for a guitar, then she told Nora and Cassie to change the play style of their guitars. Soon they started playing, Dani clapped her hands causing the crowd to clap their hands along.

Luke: Yeah yeah

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