Late night ****

333 11 0

***smut warning***

You couldn't remember what woke you up, only that you were suddenly awake, and Eddie wasn't next to you. You sat up, throwing the blanket off of your sweating body. After scanning the empty space in your room, you determined Eddie wasn't with you, but noticed your bedroom door was now open. You swung your legs over the edge of your bed and quietly walked to the door, looking for him. You noticed the bathroom light was on, and could hear the tap was running. You backed up and hid behind your door frame, not wanting to get caught in case it was your mom. But when the door opened, Eddie stepped out, shutting the light off behind him. He crept silently towards you, nearly knocking you over when he entered your room.

"Jesus Chr...," he whispered, placing his hand over his chest and backing into your door. "You scared the shit out of me."

"Sorry," you giggled.

"Are you, though?" He squinted his eyes at you. "Why are you awake?" he asked, walking over to your bed and sitting down while rubbing his eyes.

"Uh, I don't really know. I just... woke up." You shut your door and joined him on the bed. "What time is it?"

"About three o'clock."

"Wow, why are you awake?"

He smirked and looked down. "I can't sleep," he admitted, sounding a little sad.

"I'm sorry, is something wrong?" You began to feel anxious, and started wondering if he wanted to leave. You started to pick at the hem of your shirt.

"No, I just..." he glanced at you before looking down again. "I keep waiting for you to have another nightmare." He bit his lip in concentration. "And, you know, if that happens, I, uh, have to be ready to tuck and roll under the bed." He nudged you with his elbow playfully, trying to hide his concern and lighten the mood.

"I'm sorry I'm keeping you awake."

"You aren't," he reached for your hand. "Promise."

"Okay," you said as you laid down, pulling Eddie down with you. You both laid on your sides, facing each other. You threw you leg over his hip, pressing your chest into his and rubbing your noses together affectionately.

"Hey, now," he said, bringing his knee over your leg that rested on the bed. "Don't start teasing me."

"I wasn't trying to," you said honestly. You suddenly felt the need to start teasing him, as if he had used some sort of reverse psychology on you. You kissed the bottom of his throat, dragging your lower lip up to his chin. He looked down at you and brought his hand to the back of your head. "What happens if I do?"

"Then you'll have to figure out how to be quiet very, very fast." His fingers tugged at your hair, teasing you back. You pressed your lips to his, igniting a passion within him. Your hands wove through his hair, playfully twirling strands between your fingers. When you grew frustrated with his lack of reciprocation, you ground your pelvis against his thigh, rubbing your heat against him, and felt him flex under you. He took in a deep breath and closed his eyes, opening them once you stopped moving. "That's it." He quickly pressed his mouth to yours, his hand releasing your hair and moving to your waist to lift your shirt, letting it go just below your chest.

"That didn't take much," you taunted, placing another kiss to his lips.

"What can I say? I'm a sucker for you," he whispered to you sweetly. You repeated your motion, craving his touch between your legs. A small, airy moan left your mouth and made Eddie bite his lip. "You're going to have to control yourself, princess."

"I'll do my best." You kissed him again, tugging at the collar of his shirt. His fingers dug into your waist, urging you to keep moving against him now that he had given in. As you did, you felt his arousal begin to grow. He moved from your mouth to kiss your jaw down to your neck, removing his leg from between yours and sliding down your body.

To Eddie Munson: My Knight in Shining LeatherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang