-Chapter 10-

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--------[Y/N]'s pov---------

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[Y/N]'s pov-

Here I stood in front of the one person that I hate most in this world, Enji Todoroki. The flame hero stood with his back to me as he looked out the window of his personal office at the agency, even though it's been a few days since Fuyumi & Natsuo found me and I was still injured, he still made me come all this way out to his agency, even though I didn't want too.

I had a pretty good guess on what he was going to say, but this? Why the hell would he want me to skip my remaining half a year at junior high so he could shove me into high school? He was trying to control me like he does with everybody and everything else in his life, but I refuse to let him control me like some kind of puppet.

"I'm sorry Endeavour but I'm not some puppet that's strings are in your control, why should I do a single thing you tell me to do? What? Because of some piece of paper saying that you're my father. Ha! You'll never have and never will be my father. Far as I'm aware, I don't have one"

Endeavour)"Is that so.... You remind me of me when I was your age, you have that glint in your eye's"

He turned to glace over his shoulder at me with a knowing look in his eye's which only made me grit my teeth from hearing what he said, I reminded him of when he was younger? But why would he say something like that? He must be trying to get under my skin or something.

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