Chapter 2: Mother

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[Y/N]'s currently 14 yrs old
February 12th, year xxxx
Present day...


Dabi)"[Y/N]! For the last time get up!"

"Ugh, for fuck sake! I heard you bro!"

This was the normality within the house that [Y/N] was brought up in, Touya taught her to never listen to what others think of her and never give two shits if they have a problem with it, although that's probably not the best thing to teach to a 5 year old but nevertheless it stuck. Now [Y/N]'s grown up to be an outgoing, confident and bright teen girl that's doing good in school with lots of friends, the irony I know, considering who her eldest brother is a villain and her father is the No.2 Pro Hero. 

[Y/N] POV-

I rushed downstairs as I tied my hair back messily because I had only 5 minutes to get ready for school and my brother thought it would be funny to let me sleep in and not wake me up, my  shirt wasn't even buttoned up as I was in such a hurry to shove whatever I could find into my school bag and had a chug from Touya's coffee mug before quickly slipping my shoes on.


Hearing his shout from the kitchen I glanced down to my shirt and saw that it wasn't buttoned up making a soft rosy red blush spread across my face as I quickly buttoned up my shirt then shouted a bye and left the house, I jogged down the stairs then down the street in the direction of school and once I was closer I slowed my pace to a walk enjoying the fresh crisp air of the morning along with the light bustling sounds of people and cars on the road, I glanced to the clear blue and cloudy sky as I let my thoughts take over.

I wonder if Shōto and the others know about me? 

Hopefully Enji doesn't, that'll be a nightmare if he does. 

Maybe I should go and visit sometime.

?)"-/N] [Y/N]!"

"huh? Oh.... Hemuri hey"

I smiled at the brunette haired girl that was now next to me with a bright smile on her face as she ask how my break was which then turned into a debate if tomatoes was a fruit of vegetable, this made the rest of the walk to school quicker than we thought it would take and took are seat in homeroom as the bell rang, although were in are second year of junior high on the verge of third year it was extremely important to study so you could get into whatever highschool you wanted too later on. 

Me? I'm not really fussed if I go to highschool or not considering my father is an asshole also the No.2 Hero, Touya is a villain and Shōto is going to UA either way so there isn't much to compete with when it comes to my family, even if I wanted too i'll be put in any other class but the hero course because of type of quirk I have which isn't to my knowledge a physical type one.

Once the school day was over I started packing all my things into my bag while saying my goodbyes to my friends and classmates before leaving the school premises then walked down the street in the opposite direction of home as I made up my mind that today was the dat that I go and visit mom for the first time since I was born, Touya had told me all about mom from what he could remember before Enji drover her off the edge.

Ava)"[Y/N]! Wait up!" 

 Hearing her voice call my name I looked behind me to see her running after me then huffed to catch her breath once she caught up to me that I was confused on why she followed me for, I gave her a confused look with a raised brow silently asking her why she followed me in the first play which made her chuckle nervously and avoid my eyes, I sighed and carried on walking down the street with her now by my side.

"Why did you follow me for Ava?"

Ava)"I saw how you where distracted during class today and thought something maybe on your mind or something" 

I glanced over to her then let a sigh out as we stopped at crossing and waited for it to go green signaling that we could cross, I contemplated if I should or shouldn't tell her where I was going but then again it would be nice to have someone there to support me and tell me that I wasn't making a big mistake, once we've crossed the road safely I looked at her then up to the sky and saw two birds twirling and dancing around the sky making a smile slip its way onto my face.

"My mother"

Ava)"Huh? what do you mean your mother? Did something happen to her or something? Know that I thing about it you rarely talk about your home life"

I let slip a amused chuckled at her comment as what Touya told me for the first time about our family flashed through my head, it was a rather bitter memory to find out that you're related to a asshole like Endeavour which was responsible for putting mom into a hospital in the first place.

"That's because I live with my eldest brother and not the rest of my family. My "Dad" is the No.2 Hero, Endeavor the flame Hero, I also have two older brothers and a older sister. My mother on the other hand wasn't treated the best by my father and was sent to a mental health hospital, there she gave birth to me and put me up to adoption but my eldest brother had other ideas and raised me, so today I'm going to see her for the first time ever"

Once I had finished explaining to her my situation she grabbed my hand which made me look over to her with a neutral expression and my turquoise eyes showing all the mixed up emotions that I keep inside, Ava looked upset, concerned and over all respect, she respected me more than she did before knowing what she does about me now.

A small smile slipped onto my face then looked up at the building we where now infront of, it was big and looked like a normal hospital building then I felt Ava squeeze my hand to tell me that she's there for me which made me sigh in relief as we made are way into the building, once I told them a the front desk who I was here for they took me to moms room where I knocked and slowly opened seeing a white haired woman sat by the window.

"Hey mom, I'm [Y/N], your youngest daughter"

Mom)"[Y/N].... My sweet little girl, I missed you"

"Me too mom"

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