Stop 2

8 1 0

Good morning, please take a seat anywhere on the bus, thank you...

I hate change. I've said it before I'll say it again, I.Hate.Change. Now if you know me irl you have probably heard me say this a few times, and if you you are my family, well... I say it even more.

I don't do well with change, it doesn't hurt me, but I will complain for a long time (depending on what changed and how much of a change it is)

Now if I made the decision it's not bad, it's something I mentally prepared for but I'll usually still miss it. Like when me and my sister chose to have our bunck beds taken apart so they were separated after we got new carpet.

The carpet was a change I didn't like very much. It smelled so bad (idk if any of you know what new carpet smells like but I hate it) and the rest of my family agreed. The carpet also had a very different feel to it and mind you I had been living with the other carpet for the past 10 years of my life so it felt like a pretty big change.

Another thing I hate for some reason is getting new furniture, like we got a different tv stand in the basement a while ago it didn't bother me that much but it was realy different from the last. And even longer before that we got new chairs for our table again took quite some time to get used to, there are plenty of other things I hated changing but you probably don't want to hear me talk about.

The thing I hate the most is changing playgrounds. I know it sounds childish but do I care? NO! I hate that our school changed our playground to make it "safer" (yeah I think within the first week 3 kids broke something playing on a swing) the playground has the smallest stupidest slide o have ever seen and it just feels so boring compared to the old one. Like we used to have tire swings that went in every direction (those were my entire 3rd grade year resess) I had so many memories with those, and there was an amazing main play ground area with realy tall slides a bridge a tall twisty slide some stairs to the top. There were also real monkey bars now whatever the heak crap we have now

We also had. Lot more swings and TREES, oml we had what pleople called "the forest" and there were so many trees, and there was "the house" it was old and pretty much falling apart but we used it every day

We also had some teeter totters and random bars to hang from and the doughnut as people called it was used for a wide variety of games. But the the only interesting thing we have now is some artificial hills and some rope swing type thing.

Yeah long story short I hate change and I'm pissed at the school for completely changing the playground.

(Also I hate that the school asked everyone to say something they wanted to keep and didn't keep anything)

We have come to a stop now and if this it your stop please leave and have a wonderful day!

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