First stop

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Hello traveler I'm tired as heak and am questioning my romantic life.

Let me explain, so lately me and my gf (if you know me irl you know who they are) have been drifting apart emotionally and it's two days away from our 7th month, but anyway that's not the point. Me and my gf have one class together this semester in school, and that one class I share with my cousin

Now my gf and my cousin have a long complex and hate filled history dating alll the wayyy back to 4th grade. Let's just say that in that one class I chose to partner with my cousin instead of my gf and that didn't go so well,...

And now I feel like they are starting to semi avoid me :(

And also I had just got done with having someone I love stop avoiding me and ignoring me so this kinda hurts.

Whelp my ride is done and this bus has come to a stop for today get off if you please.

The bus diaryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt