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tsukasa felt very alone in his room. everyone went out, adults went for drinks and the rest went out for yogurt. tsukasa wanted to sleep in and wait for the moment they leave but he couldn't stick through it. if they hadn't taken his phone away he would've been talking to rui.

speaking of, he misses rui a lot. it's been a while since he last messaged the boy and he felt bad for it too.

"gosh... this sucks."

he felt someone's presence at the door, "hmm?? what sucks?"

"you didn't go?"

she tilts her head, "i said i was gonna come back before the others did. wasn't too fond of a hangover on the plane... anyway what's up?"

"mmmhh i miss rui..."

"ah young love. so you haven't realized?"

tsukasa frowns, what was there to realize? that he's a loser missing his whatever rui was and that wanting to be with rui so bad is actually so not platonic?

"ah, i think i just did."

luka smiles widely, she sits beside the boy and puts her arm around his shoulders. a side hug turned into a real one, "proud of you."

"it is normal to want to be with rui right? i mean... i know it's not a friendly way of thinking about someone, at least how im thinking."

luka nods, telling him that it's normal but his situation is different. she's not wrong, just him telling her that he misses rui and that he wants to be with him as soon as possible isn't very... friendly. especially if you have something going on already.

was tsukasa doomed?

"i snuck your phone away from kaito. here, text him."

tsukasa nods, taking the phone from her hands and quickly typing at his phone.


hi what're you doing

hi tsukasa!!!! i'm not doing much
just watching a movie with akira
and mizuki

what about you?

oh. um i'm not doing anything,
i'm trying to sleep until the flight back.

but i'm too excited to sleep so time is slower

oh i see, you're back soon right?
can i pick you up?

you can come over when you're back...

how come akira has been around a lot...

huh? he really hasn't... you just
come online when he's here

what does that explain

tsukasa, the four of us have hung out
all together, akira leaves last so that they
can take the left overs for their sister

you were baking with them


i guess i can't explain that without
spoiling something can i?


i'm going to bed


are you jealous?

i'm sorry

i love you, good night. 💜


rui presses his lips together, "akira i need you to leave."

"huh? we haven't finished the preparations?" he holds up the banner in his hands to show rui and furrows his brows at the tense boy, "did something happen?"

akira grabs rui's phone and sighs. the blonde had a point, "i guess i have been around a lot since he left. i'll ask emu to help with the final touches."

rui thanks akira and watched them leave.

some time goes by before he feels his mind explode at the overwhelming thoughts he had, he cannot be fucking up his relationship with tsukasa before it even starts so he dials the boy and just wishes for the best.

first call goes unanswered, second, third and fourth the same. until he finally picks up on the fifth.

the raspy and shaky voice from the other line finally speaks, "hmmm? what happened?"

"ah... you really did fall asleep. i'm sorry, are you okay? i sent akira away. i wanna talk."

rui listens to the boy move around, "what's there to talk about?"

"i wanna clear up the misunderstanding tsukasa, it's not fair that i have to lie to you so just act surprised when you come back okay? basically, akira and i were baking cookies and trying to make them look like you. it didn't go well but we were finishing up the right batch today."

tsukasa's side went quiet, a shaky breath was picked up and rui sat up abruptly, worried that he said something wrong.

"i see, you don't need to do that for me. it's only been a week, mmmh... i'm tired," the purple haired could hear the shuffling from the line and he could hear tsukasa rub his eyes.

"oh, still i insisted. you can sleep now but... can you not hang up?" rui sounded a bit sad and he immediately became embarrassed at the tone he used.

a small laugh escapes tsukasa's lips, "sure. don't wake me, mwa..."

a small snores heard from the line not too long after. rui felt himself smile.

maybe they're both doomed... and oh, tsukasa sent him a kiss.

rui felt himself soften, he felt himself melt into a warm pool full of flowers blossoming before his eyes. a quiet and low voice escapes his lips, "i like you a lot."

he props his head beside his phone and falls asleep with the rhythmic breathing of tsukasa.

you're coming back ; ruikasaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant