Chapter 2: First Day of School

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Hwang Y/N POV:

It's the first day of school and I'm already late to class. I'm 30 minutes late but I'm not in a rush, it's not like I like going to school anyway.

As I enter the school's main hall I hear a voice coming from the other end. "Hey you, why aren't you in class?"

I turn around to find out it's the cute president I met the other day and some other pretty girl who is slightly shorter than her. "Oh don't tell me you're late on your first day?" She said crossing her arms.

"Maybe I just wanted to see your pretty face," I replied with a smirk.

I swear I could see her blush and the other girl just stared at her.

"Also as far as I can see, you two aren't in class either," I said in a sassy tone.

"That is because we are collecting attendance sheets," the shorter girl answered.

"I'm sorry and your name is...?" I asked.

"Oh this is Kang Haerin, she's the vice president of the student body," Minji answered. I extended my hand and gave the girl a firm handshake.

"You're really pretty," I said. "You both are," I corrected myself giving them both a mischievous smile.

Minji scuffed and Haerin just giggled.

"Your uniform is too baggy btw, you need to come to school in clothes that fit you," The president said.

"Your uniform is too baggy btw, you need to come to school in clothes that fit you," The president said

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Nah, I look cute" I replied and Haerin giggled. Minji just rolled her eyes and smirked.

"Get to class Ms. Hwang," the pres said and turned around to continue walking.

As I turned to continue my way, she turned around and said "BTW if you want to see my pretty face just give me a call. You have my number"

I smirked at her remark and just kept walking. "She's cute," I thought to myself.


"Please introduce yourself," Professor Taeyon said.

I bow to the class and say "I'm Hwang Y/N. Pleasure to meet you all!"

"Great, you may take a seat next to Danielle." She said as I walked towards the girl that raised her hand.

I sat down next to her and took out my notebook. "Hi, I'm Danielle," the girl said with a big smile. "Umm hi, I'm Y/N" I replied.

"Have you thought about joining any clubs?" She asked. "I'm not really interested in after-school activities," I answered honestly.

"All the students at NewJeans High are required to join an after-school club," she responded.

"Geezz, what's this girls deal!" I thought to myself.

"Oh well I guess I'll look into it," I said.

"If you need any help choosing a club or finding the club buildings just let me know. I am the activities director for the student body!" She said all happy and smiling.

"Who tf is happy like this early in the morning?"

"Okay," I responded and started to doddle on my notebook.

Eventually, the class ended and I was so happy to get away from my energetic seat partner.

As I am walking out the door, Danielle catches on to me and says "How about we meet after school and I can show you around each club that still needs members?"

"Sure," I replied.

"Oh Danielle, I see you've met our new transfer student!" Minji said while approaching us with Haerin by her side.

"Yes, I have! I will be meeting with her after school to show her the clubs" she replied.

"That's great!" The pres said.

I started to walk away from them when Danielle caught my attention again, "Oh Y/N-ah!"

"Damn, what more could this girl want..." I thought in annoyance.

"Yes?" I responded.

"Me and the girls are going to go get lunch. They're serving bibimbap today, do you wanna join us?" She asked.

"Hmm, lunch with a bunch of pretty girls... hmm it could work in my favor later on," I thought mischievously.

"Sure, if you all don't mind" I answered.


We grabbed our food and sat down on a table. I sat next to Minji and Danielle sat next to Haerin. Soon two other girls joined us.

"So, you're the new student everyone is talking about?" One of the girls said.

"Umm, yeah. I guess" I replied.

"I'm Hanni, the treasurer of the student body, and this is Hyein the class president for 1st year" she introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you both, I'm Hwang Y/N," I replied shaking both their hands.

"So I guess the student council here just consists of really pretty girls?" I teased.

They all giggled and some responded "You're pretty too", "Oh stop it", and "You're such a flirt."

"That I am," I responded with a smirk.

From the corner of my eye, I could see bibimbap sauce smeared on the top of Minji's lips.

I gently grabbed a napkin and softly dabbed it on the top of her lip to clean it off.

She froze and all the girls stopped talking and stared at me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I should have asked or said something before touching you," I said backing off. "No! No, no. It's okay," Minji said.

"You're really cute!" Hanni said and I  blushed a bit.

"Umm, if it's okay. Can I finish cleaning it off?" I asked.

"Y-yes," she answered. Stuttering a bit.

"Can you turn to look at me?" I requested and she did as I asked.

I looked into her pretty brown eyes and gently held her chin before fixing my eyes on her lips and finishing cleaning off the sauce of her lips.

"Okay, you're all good," I said with a smile and let her chin go.

"Thank you," she said blushing.

Soon lunch was over and I waved the girls goodbye to get to my next class.

"Bye-bye, nice to meet you all!"





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