Miss Applewood

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Mercy Good, a young badger girl, wearing a grey sweater and blue skirt, sits in Miss Applewood's class.

Miss Applewood, a tall female poodle with cream fur, wearing glasses and a blue dress with blue heels, stands in front of the class.

Miss Applewood says, "Now children, look at the board here and repeat the words."

Mercy looks at the board.

Miss Applewood says, "Now remember to not be too loud when saying the words."

The handwriting is terrible. Mercy can't read it

Mercy raises her right paw.

"Yes, Mercy?" Miss Applewood says.

Mercy says, "I can't read your handwriting."

"Are you saying my writing is bad?" Miss Applewood asks.

Mercy responds, "Well I can't read it. So I can't say it's good."

The class chuckles collectively.

Miss Applewood puts papers into her hands and asks, "Why don't you teach the class instead if you are so good?"

Mercy Good goes up to the front of the class and begins teaching the class. The class chuckles as Mercy doesn't understand Miss Applewood's sarcasm until they stop, slowly realizing that they are understanding the information better. Some students quickly scribble some notes.

Miss Applewood is surprised, gives her an apple.

Miss Applewood says, "Here, an apple."

Mercy says, "Thank you, Miss Applewood."

Mercy goes back to her chair as she bites her apple.

"Now, what has everyone learned from this?" Miss Applewood asks.

A student says, "Prepositions?"

The class chuckles again.

Miss Applewood frowns and says, "Everyone gets homework for laughing."

The class groans collectively.

Miss Applewood says, "You clearly didn't learn after all."

Mercy frowns, resting her head against her fist, her elbow propped up on her desk. Mercy shoots a small sparkle of pink magic from her left paw's index finger toward Miss Applewood's chair. The chair scoots back a bit. Miss Applewood falls on her bottom when she goes to sit. The class bursts into laughter collectively.

"Who did that!?!" Miss Applewood shouts.

A student responds, "Nobody touched your chair."

The class continues laughing collectively.

Miss Applewood says, "That's it, everyone."

Miss Applewood gets up and says, "Go to the office."

The class groans collectively as they get up. Mercy shoots a small sparkle of pink magic from her left paw's index finger toward the window. The window opens which causes a draft, lifting Miss Applewood's blue dress, revealing old fashion white Victorian-era bloomers. The class bursts into laughs collectively again.

Miss Applewood is angry and shouts, "Who opened the window in the fall?!"

A student says, "Nobody is by the window."

Miss Applewood is trying to keep dress down and shouts, "It couldn't have happened by itself!"

Mercy shoots a small sparkle of pink magic from her left paw's index finger toward the window again. The cord wraps around Miss Applewood's ankle. Miss Applewood falls over as she goes to walk to the students. The globe on Miss Applewood's desk rolls off the desk and lands on Miss Applewood's head, bonking her. Miss Applewood is unconscious. The draft from the open window picks up the homework papers as the homework papers fly out of the window.

The principal outside on a smoke break exclaims, "What the?!"

The homework papers land in a nearby garbage truck. The class cheers collectively.

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