Chapter 11

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 Y/N POV; "What's a surprise?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen where my mom and siblings are.

"Nothing" Ashley answers

"Just something we're planning for an adult new years eve part" Mary Kate adds on

I stare at the older people in the room for a good 30 seconds, alternating between each one every few seconds.

"Right" I say really dragging out the 'I' part whilst look at my family warily. Lizzie nods and lets out a sound of agreement as she starts to help mom unpack some shopping, the others quickly following in pursuit.

I grab 3 bottles of water from the fridge and walk out of the room, Giving my elder bothers and sisters one more suspicious side eye.

"I got us some drinks" I announce to my friends and I walk down the steps, trying to reach the ground before my dogs come racing down after me.

"Yesss" I hear Walkers happy reaction 

Thankfully I'm able to give Walker and Aryan their drinks before the the dogs, Raffi, Pluto and Charlie come bolting into the room.

"What do you guys wanna play?" I ask as I set up the PS5

"We should play Fallguys, Y/N is great at it" Walker informs Aryan, knowing full well I'm shit at the game.

"Walker fuck off" I tell him sitting down beside him and throwing a reindeer teddy at him. 

"We should play mario cart" Aryan says picking up the wii controller that was in a different press.

"Oh my god yes" I jump up from my previously seat to turn off the PS5 and turn on the wii.

After I get the wii set up we select our characters, Walker as King Boo, Aryan as Waluigi, and me as Yoshi.

After playing for about 80 minutes we get bored and decide to take a break from the game. I sat back and layed down on the couch as Raffi jumps up onto Aryan's lap. Pluto then comes over and lays his head down looking up at me. Whilst Charlie runs around in circles running into walls amongst other things.

 "I swear that dog has been trying himself brain damage ever since he was born" I state breaking the silence as the two boys to my right let out airy laughs.

"I swear to god christmas actually won't come fast enough" The older of the two boys whines and sits up

"I know, its actually taking so long" Walker agrees also whining, copying Aryan by sitting up and grabbing a wii remote.

"Are you playing?" Walker asks me

"Nah, I might next round though" I tell him as I sit up aswell, but this time walk over to my drumset instead of picking up a wii remote. I plug in one in-ear and start playing grenade by Bruno Mars, somewhat quietly. 

Later Aryan leaves, and me and Walker head down to the nearest basketball hall to mess around. 

"Oh and he comes down from the base line!" Walker puts on a commentator voice as he dodges invisible opponants. "Now at the 3 point line!" He keeps narrorating as I step into his little game. "Oh what's this? someone has chosen to play defence on me?"  He ask retorically. 

I staring trying to knock the orange ball out of his hands as he tries to keep it away from me. He turns his back to me and is pushing me back. He fakes stepping to the right and I fall for it, actually goes to the right and takes a shot, scoring from the 3 point line.

"Get absloutly shat on kid" He starts bragging

"You're literally 7 months older than me" I say picking the ball up of the ground

"Still older," He shrugs and smiles "First to 20 points?" He asks. I smile and dribble up to the half way line. I take about 3 steps before Walker starts to square up to me. Eventually after about a minute of trying to get away from him, I push with slightly with my left shoulder and dribble down to the elbow and take a shot from there, thankfully scoring.

We keep playing and soon the game becomes first to 30, then first to 50, first to 60, first to 80 and eventually 100. By the time we're done playing and call it quits (Me win of course, with 107 - 104) we're both wrecked tired and gasping for air.

Once we walk outside it's nearly pitch dark, and it takes my eyes a few seconds to adjust to the light.

"Jesus Christ how long were we in there for?" I say.

"I don't know," Walker says taking out his phone to check the time "Oh fuck we've been here for nearly 2 and a half hours" He says showing me the time on his phone that read 8:17.

"Oh god, we should probably head home" I tell him.

"Go to my house" He responds and we start walking.

By the time we get to Walkers its nearly 8:35, and at this point we're nearly dying of thirst. We run up his driveway and fling the door open sprinting into his kitchen and get 2 glasses of water.

"Surprised you two even came back" Leena laughs when she sees us jugging down the water, drowning ourselves in the process.

"Shut up" Walker tells her gasping in between the two words.

She laughs and leaves us alone. Once we're finished our water we head into the living room to watch, you guesses it, Deadpool. Walkers little brother and Dad join us about 20 minutes into the movie, and around 30 minutes later his mom join. 

"I'll tell your mom you're here Y/N," She says "It's nearly past your curfew

"Thank you!" I shout running up the stairs after my best friend.

We watch some movies and mess around for a few hours. Once it turns 12 am we start to wind down, but keep laughing at every little thing that we say or do.

"Shut up Walker we have to get up in the 6 hours" I say trying to stiffle my laugh

"It's not me you little shit it's you" He gives out and we both start dying laughing. We hear footsteps and quickly shut up and close our eyes. Whoever opened the door leaves after turning off the lamp, Me and Walker stay quiet for a bit longer just incase one of his parents are waiting outside the door to catch us talking. Unfortunatly though whilst we're waiting them out we fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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