Chapter 6

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After our food we headed to the mall's theatre as had Txunamy surprised us with tickets to see Spiderman ; No Way Home. We got our popcorn and drinks and took our seats with Walker on the end closest to the stairs and Ever on the fifth seat in from the edge. We spoke in hushed voices one the credits rolled around but as soon as the movie stopped it was as if we didn't know that the others were there. 

Once the movie was over our eyes were red from crying but overall we really enjoyed the film. I espcially enjoyed watching the Multiverse of Madness trailer at the end of the credits and can't wait to see it.

After putting our rubbish in the trash can we decided to head to the beach. Obviously we didn't go swimming as it was the middle of Winter but we ran around messing and throwing sand at one another. We then rented a volley ball and started to play beach volley ball taking turns as ref. Of course my team won the majority of the time.

Then we started to race each other even though it was hard to run on the beach. Obviously me and Walker won every time because we actually do track and field long with cross country. 

  ~~~~~~~ T I M E  S K I P ~~~~~~~  

Soon we all started to feel hungry and decided to head to our favorite place to eat; Mike and MJ's Diner.

We walked in and sat down at our usual booth. Mike then came over to take our order I wasn't as hungry as the rest of my friends so I just ordered cheesy bacon fries and an Oreo milkshake. After Mike had taken our order we began to chat amongst ourselves.

"I still haven't done any of the work we were given and I feel like I'm gonna forget about it" Whined Madison

"Yeah same" Ever complained

"Oh look at the two lovebirds complaining about homework" Cooed Walker

"Yeah," I played along " You guys are just meant to be" I looked at the pair with doe eyes as Txunamy stiffled a laugh into her milkshake.

"Oh shut up," Ever complained " If anything you guys are the quote unqoute love birds of the group" She made quotation marks with her hands.


"NOO!" Walker and I exclaimed defencivly 

"Why are you guys so defencive about it so then?" Txunamy asked with a smug look on her face as me and my best friend both went red.

"Be quiet or I won't give you the math answers" I whisper shouted jokingly to her and Mike came over with our food. 

"Kids these days" He laughed as he placed down our food

"What do you mean?"  Walker asked, his voice cracking as her did so "We're your favourite customers"

" Sure you are" Nodded Mike " Enjoy you guys"

"Thanks Mike" We all thanked the man.

  ~~~~~~~ T I M E  S K I P ~~~~~~~  

Once we had finished our dessert we just hung around talking to one another, unsure of the time I checked my phone only to see that it was 6:32 pm.

"Shit!" I exclaimed

"What?" Walker asked looking at me with concern

"It's 6:32" I explained to him as he sat there with a confused look on his face "We have training for State at 7!?" I told my blonde friend. I love him, I really do, but sometimes he's a bit slow to cop things.

"Oh god. Um. Ok. We have to go" He informed the other 3 members of our friend group before we both ran out of the diner.

"What are we going to do?" He asked me as we sprinted home

"Come to my house it's closer, I have spare bike and your track top, your shorts should be fine and if not you can just wear one of mine"

"Ok but once we get there I need to text my mom" 

"Ok sure" I agreed as we picked up our pace.


I looked out of the living room window to see my youngest child and her best friend sprinting up the drive way as if there was an angry mob chasing them. As a result of me standing at the window for so long my other kids along with my husband came over to see what was going on.

"What's up with them?" Trent asked

"Beats me" The eldest of my twins said (Mary Kate). My husband let out a chuckle.

"Oh god, I love these two kids" He said to himself as we walked out the go open the back door and the pair of 12 year old had already ran past the side of the house.


I followed my dad out to the back along with my younger brother. My dad opened the door to ask the two what they were doing but before he could say anything they ran past him, myself and Jake, leaving us with a chorus of "Hi's".

The came bolting down the stairs again this time the only difference being that they were wearing different clothes than before they went upstairs.

Once again the sprinted out the door and Y/N opened the door to the shed. Walker came out with a bike first and Y/N following close behind. She closed the door and started to push off the ground before my curiosity got the better of me.

"What are you guys doing!?" I yelled out to them

"Gotta go to track!!" They replied in sync as the started to cycle away. If those two aren't soulmates then love isn't real.

A/N; Late chapter I'm really sorry but I'm starting to get back on track again so thats good

Littlest Olsen// A Walker Scobell storyWhere stories live. Discover now