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My world was lit on fire. Screams of terror leaked through the people, soon wasted. The fire crackled throughout the perfect little dome of our small planet, SEEK-02. They targeted us, for no reason. We have feared these monsters since the great explosion that put Time in his place. Since the Great Dawn. As I'm currently looking for shelter, food is scarce, and I cannot find a living soul. This is the day we dread. The day they arrive—the day of the Difted. Why would someone create such horrid animals? The gods of Day and Night are not even more powerful, along with the space and time creeping into the death of the Universe. Although we knew this day would come, no one could ever describe the unneeded power and harm they cause to us. There's no escaping.

"Get down, get down!"

The yells of terrified people echo throughout the city.

"Help! Help!"

I see a poor child laying down with his head bruised and bloody. Something rarely seen on our planet, since we take morning medications and always get immediate help when we have even the slightest cuts or scrapes. This is the first time blood was running down my body. Some say that many planets and galaxies away there was what they called a "Solar System", with 8 planets. One of them is called, Earth, where they didn't have these medications. That is one of the 4 planets we have evidence of life. It's crazy to think of such a time when people could be reset from injury or viruses that overcome their bodies. It's crazy to imagine that people got reset when they weren't even old yet. But now it's happening again.

"Help! You, please help me!"

The boy looked around Seven or Eight, but there were no signs of a family surrounded by him. Children can only be released from a family once they revolve around the 'Flavus Orb' Eighteen times, the lucky number and start of the new beginning Oldness of their lives. Those who pray to the 'Flavus Orb' and respect the revolution can live peacefully, but those who disrespect it can be cursed. That's why I wear a necklace from my parents with the 'Flavus Orb' on it. I've been wearing it for as long as I could remember.

"Hello, do you need immediate help?" I ask the boy.

"Yes! Yes! I'm hurting everywhere! This block of concrete fell on top of me! I need help ASAP!"

"Okay, don't panic." I call 1-0-0 on my FlaOne and hope they pick up. After a couple of seconds, I hear an alarm, but then it gets so loud I can barely hear the FlaOne. I put my hand to my ear so tight it blocks everything out. I can hear.

"I have an emergency! A boy is hurting and I need direct help—" I hear a huge explosion and the FlaOne cuts off.

"Something is wrong with the Communication Network. After the beep, press One to call again. Two to hang up. Or Three to-"


"What is it? Is the Immediate Help coming?" The boy asks.

"I don't think so." I say in an uneasy voice. "I think the Immediate Help building just—exploded."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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