Chapter 3 - Murphy

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I'm Happiness. I am Freedom. I am the Smile on Your Face and the Sparkle in Your Eyes.

It's hard to say exactly when I knew that Saturday was gonna be an amazing day!

"So tell me, Murphy." Vanessa asks me, a sly smile crossing her face as she peers at me over her microphone. "Who is the hottest guy that you've ever made out with?"

My dog, Charley, was sitting on the ground next to Vanessa's chair. He glanced up at me as if to say: "Yeah! We all wanna know!" That traitor. I've owned him and cared for him for years, and he still likes Vanessa more than me. 

Me and my bestie, Vanessa Cassidy, do our weekly podcast that morning like we always do. It's called Cheerful Pajama Chicks Podcast, and it's one of the most kick-ass things I currently do in my life. I can't explain it. It's so refreshing to just sit down for an hour or so and just get the thoughts out of my head, letting them free flow and swirl out into the world. It's pretty popular too; me and Vanessa have only been doing it for about two years, and we already have a pretty substantial following. No sponsors yet, but here's to hoping.

When I stumbled out of bed that morning, Vanessa was already puttering around in the studio, which was a converted guest room in the house that we both rented. She was organizing the table where our microphones sat, making sure her laptop was fully charged, adjusting the swivel chairs we both sat at. She looked great like she always does. How does she do it? Some chicks can just wake up looking amazing, and it's unfair. Don't even get me started about seeing her before she puts on her makeup. Vanessa could have messy hair, half-open eyelids, and sleep-drool running down one cheek, and she still looks absolutely screw-able. When I wake up, I look like a she-troll trying to steal your favorite goat.

Vanessa's voice cuts through my thoughts. "C'mon, tell me, Smurf!" she says, addressing me by a nickname that the two of us have been using ever since we've known each other. "Tell me about your hottest make-out. Tell me, tell me, tell me!"

I smile as I allow my mind to travel back through my memories. I adjust the backwards-facing snapback hat that I'm wearing, and I twirl the cord of the studio headphones that I'm wearing around my fingers. "Well, there was this one make-out that I had in senior year. I kissed this one hot guy at my senior prom."

Vanessa's eyes sparkle. She pokes me with her bare foot under the table that we're both sitting at, and she leans down towards her microphone as she speaks. "I remember senior prom. For those Cheerful Pajama Chicks listeners out there who don't know, me and Smurf went to the same high school."  She reaches down to give Charley a head scratch. The dog wags his tail vigorously, thumping against the carpet.

"That's right." I reply with a smile, leaning close to my microphone as well. "We sure did. Me and this beautiful girl right here RULED our high school our senior year."

"So, tell me more about this hot make-out! What are the details?"

"So me and this guy are at the senior prom. He had gone without a date, and I went with no date, so it kinda worked out. He found me in the corner of the main hall. We flirted for a bit, then he pushed me up against the wall and kissed me hard." I put my hand on my cheek as I blush. "It was pretty damn sexy."

"Murphy, sweetie, that's an awesome story."

"Thanks, dude. I think so."

"You have to tell me and the Cheerful Chicks listeners at home. What was this guy's name? Do you remember?"

I scratch my messy blonde hair, moving my cap with my fingers. "I do remember his name. His name was.......his name was....."

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