Coming towards them is none other than Dust, Papyrus' scarf wrapped around his neck, his eyes empty and dark, a frown on his face, but it is more of a cautious frown, as Sans and Swap Papyrus noticed. Sans was stunned at seeing another him, but his eyes blinked, showing this white eyelights, eye sockets narrowed, as Papyrus teleported next to him. Dust than stopped moving, as Chara watched, stunned at the sight that is before her eyes, seeing another Sans suddenly appearing, and Sans, looked a little unnerved at seeing this Sans, due to the fact that he can sense his power, and it is extremely immense.

 Dust than stopped moving, as Chara watched, stunned at the sight that is before her eyes, seeing another Sans suddenly appearing, and Sans, looked a little unnerved at seeing this Sans, due to the fact that he can sense his power, and it is extre...

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Dust snapped his fingers, and summoned Geno and Glitch to his side, his left eye glowing purple, as they appeared behind him at the left and right side. Their eyes glowing as well, with Glitch glowing cyan on both eyes, and Geno's eyes flashing red and cyan.

Shift Chara, not trusting them, used her power and summoned red knives on their throats, as she holds them in place, as Dust spoke out.

"Woah there, kid. We aren't here to fight you."

But Storyshift Chara refused to believe that, as she than spoke out.

"Really? You came here without wanting, and you expect me to believe that? So...let me ask you something. Who are you freaks?"

Dust glared a little bit, as he clenched his fist, and before Storyshift Chara knew it, pink slashes were shown, and the knifes are destroyed. This stunned Chara, and Glitchtale Sans, as Dust has the Scythe of Fear out, his eyes narrowed, his left eye flaring. But he than puts the scythe away, as he than sighed.

"Haaaa...look. I get your suspicion. I came here without you all knowing, and I look menacing, even bringing my friends here, uninvited. You may not trust me, but I can assure you, I am not here to fight you, okay? I'm pretty sure we don't want to fight and get ourselves killed, so let's avoid that."

This made Sans a little suspicious, as well as Underswap Papyrus, and Chara seemed suspicious, but seeing that Dust seemed genuine, and is really not here for a fight, they decided to let him be, as Sans than spoke out.

"Look, Chara, I know that they look suspicious, but we will not get any information unless we stand down. If they found us in this place, maybe there is a way out of the place that we are in, they can possibly help us get out of this mess."

Sans smiled, as he than spoke out.

"We can't know the truth unless we give them a chance. And besides, they said that they are here to avoid a fight. So let's try and avoid that as well."

Shift Chara looked at Sans, and while a little uneasy, they gave in, and stand down a little bit, as Dust than spoke out.

"Thank god. Thank you, I was really worried there."

Underswap Papyrus than stepped forward, as he than spoke out.

"Okay, but now what. The human is going to show up at any moment!"

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