22: A Trip To The Bottom Of The Pacific Ocean

Start from the beginning

"Leo's the enforcer?" Marcus scoffed, "Capturing Adam, Bree and Chase is gonna be easier than I thought."

Oh yeah. I forgot that's what we're doing today. A while back Douglas so kindly explained his plan to Tony, dad, and I. He wants to capture his kids for evil schemes. Dad though I would expose the plan and broke my phone. I got another phone but still have their phone numbers. I'm not sure why he broke my phone in the first place. Heat of the moment, I guess. It might also be his intense mood swings he's been getting recently.

"Alrighty. You guys don't want to be late for school. And I most definitely don't want to be late to for work." Dad said getting up from his seat. Marcus and I walked out the lab and grabbed our bags. We waited by the door for Douglas.

"Remember guys—"

"Capture Adam, Bree and Chase." Marcus and I said in sync. Douglas grunted and pulled out the driveway. Well, it's back to pretending everything is fine and nothing is bothering me. I've been doing a good job at that. No one has noticed except for Marcus. The only people that have their suspicions are Chase and Bree. Luckily for me, Tony and Adam are completely unaware.

"I gotta head to the principal's office first." Marcus informed me, nearing principle Perry's office. I nodded and leaned against the lockers near the office. Not sure what's he gonna do in there, Perry's been gone for a week. I shrugged it off and plugged in my headphone softly humming to myself.

I observed the students walking around the school and spotted a familiar pair of neon pink boots. Bree was talking with  Adam, Leo trailing behind them. They complemented Becky on something I couldn't quite hear. Their interaction didn't last long as Leo marched up to them and scared her away. Another student tried to walk pass the siblings and Leo pulled out a metal detector wand. He scanned the tall blonde before letting him pass.

I felt Marcus tap me before making his way to them.

"Hey guys! What's up?" Marcus greeted. I waved and smiled at them.

"I'll tell you what's up. Your time here." Leo sternly said, pulling out the wand. I backed away almost getting hit by it, "Get lost, creepy."

"Silly, Leo." Marcus shook his head walking past him. They had a small stare off. I stepped up blocking his view from Leo.

"So, guys, are you excited for the new frozen yogurt shop? They're giving out unlimited toppings. Principal Perry's been camped out for a week."

"Wha— unlimited toppings? Somebody could've told me that before I filled my socks up with gummy frogs." Adam whined.

"Have you thought about putting the gummy frogs in your pockets?" I suggested.

Adam shook his head patting his pockets, "No can do. Pockets are filled with sprinkles."

I nodded tilting my head registering what he told me. I should've expected that. I bet he has cookie crumbs in his pockets too. Leo brushed past me to his brothers and sister.

"Stranger danger." Leo whispered, waving his wand to us.

"Uh, sorry, Marcus. We can't go."
"Uh, we have chores to do."

"No we don't, we have an uptight dad who's afraid we'll reveal our
secret—" Adam stated, he cut himself off noticing his siblings all turn to look at him startled. "Recipe for chili. Ooh, that works. Let's go!"

Adam, Bree and Chase dashed out of school leaving us alone with the smaller and bionicless sibling. Leo raised the metal detector at us while narrowing his eyes. He walked backwards all the way to the hall. I'm surprised he didn't bump into someone.

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