Chapter 4

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After a short drive to the main castle we were soon in line to enter the banquet. Guards were everywhere,  Alphas, Lunas and, Betas with their mates and children that were of age were all here. Packs from every corner of North America and South America too were here to honor the King and royal family.  We were greeted by some elders, exchanged head bows, smiles, and hellos. Inside was grand, beautiful, the decor had a winter in the forest theme, glass icicles came down from the ceiling. The tables were long and rectangular. The royal table was in the front close to the stage. The Packs were arrange in order from the strongest, most powerful and largest to the weakest and smallest. Considering all of these packs we were number 15 out of 50 which was not the best but not the worst either. 

Soon we were seated at our table, I could kind of see the royal table, but it was a distance away. I sat next to my mother on her left, on her right was my father and across from them sat my brother and his mate Sarah. Cora was starting to pace around in my head  "He is coming, I can feel it"! She said with anticipation. "Who are you talking about Cora". I asked but she once again ignored me. My mother grabbed my hand and whispered into my ear "It's okay if you feel him here, just go to him without fear, okay, everything will be alright". I just glanced at her  and was about to say something when I hear a trumpet sound followed by the announcement of the royals entering the room. 

Everyone stood up and bowed their heads in submission and respect. "Presenting his majesty Apollo Killstone, her majesty Diana Killstone, Prince Heracles Killstone, Princess Athena and Princess Rhea Killstone and finally his royal highness Alpha King Zeus Edward Killstone. My heart was pounding at the sound of the Alpha Kings name.

Cora started to lose it as she began crawling her way to the surface howling and barking to me to be set free. I honestly didn't know what her problem was. I yelled at her to calm down and relax before we get our family in trouble. I had no choice but to put up a block to keep her from making a fool out of me and my family. 

"Be seated" boomed the deepest and sexiest voice I have ever heard in my life. Looking up I realized that it was the Alpha King speaking. I felt paralyzed and that scared the hell out of me. I could hardly see but it looked like he was looking for someone as he went to his seat.

The man who announced the royal family came up to the stage once again to begin the ceremony for the night. He requested that all new Alphas and Lunas approach the stage to be presented and acknowledged by all.

There were about ten couples that went up to the stage including my brother Jonathan and Sarah. Each couple presented themselves to the King, bowed, pledged their allegiance, explained which pack they were from, and then returned to their seats. After all ten couples were presented the King, he stood up to make an announcement. " I thank all of you who have come to honor me and my family. We also would like to honor all of you. It is now time to mingle and approach your mate".

The room quickly turned into a loud frenzy. People that smelled their mate when they first got here are now allowed to approach them. Well I guess that's my queue to go to the bathroom. I got up and went to the restroom in an effort to avoid who ever Cora has been going nuts over. My plan only worked for about fifteen minutes because it seemed everyone else decided to go there too. I didn't want to hold up the line so I left the bathroom and started walking to my table.

As I got closer to my table I smelled the most delicious scent that had ever crossed my nose. It smelt like pine trees and melted chocolate. Cora howled in delight and pushed for me to follow it. I hesitated and wanted to run the other way. The smell got closer and I heard a deep loud growl as a man walked quickly towards me. I could feel everyones eyes on me, I looked down to the floor hoping it would stop what I knew was about to happen. Oh, no this is it, my life is over, I thought to my self. 

Suddenly two big black shoes stood in front of me and I felt an intense gaze. I could feel their eyes look at every inch of me from top to bottom. I felt like I was on fire. I suddenly heard "Mate, Mine"! I started to tremble, I knew whose voice it was and I wanted nothing more than to run for the hills. I didn't get the chance just when I was about to turn and run, I felt his hand lift my chin to look up at him.

Sparks went through my body from his touch, I looked into his hazel eyes with blue flecks in them, I was speechless. "Alpha King Zeus" I said so softly I didn't even know that the words had left my lips. "Yes, that is my name but please tell me what I can call you other than gorgeous"? He asked in a husky voice that left my knees a little weak.

I think he noticed because he got closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist while never breaking eye contact. My breath hitched from the sudden contact which made it harder to answer his question. "Ariel" I managed to choke out as I stared into his endlessly beautiful eyes. "Ariel" he repeated with the same huskiness as before; it left my ears ringing and I silently begged the Goddess to wake me up from this wet dream. "This is no dream, Princess. I really am here and you are my mate". He softly stated with his thumb on my cheek as if he heard my thoughts. Sparks prickled my skin at his touch. "There must be a mistake". I said so softly only he heard it.

Okay, so what do you think? How is he going to react? Thank you for reading, please comment, share and vote. Thank you 😊

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