Chapter 3

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I want to thank you for continuing to read my story, enjoy! :) 

Ariel -pov

It was the day before the winter banquet and I was busy packing a bag. My family and I are going to stay in the royal capital for one night and then return home. This banquet is very important for our pack and nation.

The royal family will be acknowledging new alphas and lunas from packs that are making that change. The Alpha King himself will be giving acknowledgements and honors to each new Alpha and Luna. They will also address other important matters such as peace treaties, trade agreements, and organizing the pack visit schedule. 

The pack visit schedule organizes when packs will take turns visiting each other, in hopes of helping their pack members find their mates. When a wolf reaches the age of 13 they will shift for the first time, at age 16 they gain the ability to sense their mate. Different packs will take turns hosting a bond-fire for the unmated pack members that have become of age. At the event two or more packs and their unmated members will mingle with each other and see if there are any matches. At the end of the night the Alphas will acknowledge the matches and accept their new members.

I only went to one of these events because I am the daughter of an Alpha and Luna but I was 15 so it was more of a formality. This will be my first real banquet as an unmated werewolf.  What if I find my mate, that would kinda suck. I mean I have plans to help and even take over the pack hospital one day. If I find my mate I will have to go to his pack and I don't want to leave my home again. I just got back and I would prefer to stay with my family so I hope that I don't find my mate tomorrow night. "I want to find our mate". Cora spoke up in my mind and stated. "Well I don't, that would ruin all of my plans". I said back to her. "Why would you not want to be with our mate, he will love us and protect us". she argued. "We don't need protecting Cora and you know that I want to be the next Pack Doctor". I replied back. She just ignored me and when to the back of my mind. 

The Banquet

"Ariel! Come on get up. We have to start getting ready now". I hear my mother yell as she loudly opens my door and turns on the bedroom light. "Geez mom, calm down". I reply with an attitude because I notice that it is barley light outside.  She's crazy to be waking me up right now. "We have a three hour drive ahead of us so get dressed now.  We will get ready for this evening when we get to the royal guest house". My mother explained to me as she walked up to my bed and took my covers off.

I shiver and shake as the cold air hits me. "Okay, okay, mom let me hurry up and shower ". I say with my hands up in surrender and get off the bed. I go take a quick shower and put a dark blue long sleeved dress on. I then walked down stairs to grab something for breakfast. I grabbed an apple and granola bar from the basket that's on the counter. Then walk out the front door.

I see my father, brother and Keith packing up the SUV's with our bags and such. My mother and Sarah come up from behind me. "Hey sweetie, I love the dress it's perfect, and you look beautiful ". Sarah says is a sweet tone. "I turn around and see that they are both in similar dresses. I also notice that baby Lacey is not with her. "Aw, thank you so much, you look beautiful as well. I love the light blue dress on you. Where is baby Lacey"? I ask tilting my head to the side. "Oh, she is going to stay with her nurse maid until we get back". She states kindly but I hear how much she was going to miss her baby.

My mother hugs the both of us, and starts to walk in the direction of the SUV'S saying "don't worry she will be fine, after all you and your brother were fine when we had to leave you for the banquet". Sarah gives her a weak smile and nods her head.

We all get into the SUV and my father announces that we are leaving and will be driving for about three hours before we get there. I sat next to Sarah and we talked, listened to music and even took a short nap together.

I opened my eyes to a tall and large gate with five guards, which seemed to be in the middle of the forest. My father puts the window down and speaks to one of the guards, he shows him his ID and royal invitation. The gate opens and we are allowed through.
We drive down a long dirt road, the nature surrounding us is breath taking and enchanting, like a place I've seen before in a dream.  

As we approached the building we see, maids and nicely dressed house servants lined up out side the enormous guest house. "Alright, everyone be sure to be on your best behavior! Ariel and Sarah do as your mother says and follow her lead, okay?" my father kindly demanded looking at us through the rearview mirror and giving us a wink. We exit the SUV and are greeted by who I think is the princess. She approaches us in a beautiful long sleeve mint green dress with slightly darker green lace all throughout. The dress looked stunning on her perfectly light tan skin, hazel green eyes and straight, long platinum blood hair that set perfectly on her shoulder in a long braid. I stood there in astonishment for how beautiful she was. "Hello, good afternoon. I hope your travels were with out issue". she politely greeted us.  

We all bow or curtsy showing our necks in submission and respect for her highness. "Oh, thank you but please rise". she says while waving her hands for us to stand straight and stop bowing. Father, after looking up takes a slight step forward to speak up. "Your highness, allow me to introduce you to my daughters, wife and son. This is my wife and mate Ruth, my daughter Ariel,  daughter in-law Sarah, and this is my son and next Alpha to the Moon River Pack Jonathan". he said gesturing to each person as they were mentioned. "It is a pleasure to meet such fine people, thank you Alpha Jacob. I am princess Athena first daughter of the royal family. I wanted to personally greet you and welcome you here to our home, please follow me". She turned around and signaled to the servants to grab our bags and other items.  

The princess led us into the three story guest house, the inside was grand with beautifully decorated sitting rooms, living room, kitchen and with more bedrooms than I could count. We all finally got our assigned rooms. My parents were next to my brother and Sarah, and I was in the room right next to them. We all decided to lay down for a bit and within the next 2 hours we would start getting ready for the banquet. A light lunch was brought up to the room and I gladly ate my salad and ribs before laying down again for a bit.

As I laid down my wolf Cora came up to just below the surface, I could feel her pacing around in my mind and I wasn't sure what was wrong. "Something is going to happen tonight Ariel, I can just feel it". I stopped to think about what she just said. "Is is bad? What do you think we should do"? I asked her but she just went to the far corner of my mind and curled up to sleep. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door, two maids come in with my clothes, hair stuff and make up. I waved my hands and say "I haven't showered, I am so sorry, let me shower quickly".  One of the maids look at me and says "Thats fine we will just set up while you do then". I nodded my head and ran into the bathroom to quickly wash off the 3 hour drive. 

After I got out of the shower the maids did not waste anytime and they went straight to working on my hair, nails, face, and everything. By the time they were done, I looked like a different person. As I looked in the mirror I saw how beautifully they had done my hair letting my natural curls fall down my back, adorned with babies breathe flowers and small pearls the sides of my hair were braided and clipped back forming a half up half down look. My face had little to no make-up only certain areas of my face were highlighted to enhance my natural beauty. I wear simple jewelry that matched my open back turquoise dress with long tulle sleeves covered in sparkles and tiny gems. Starting from the arm down to the end of the dress it went from white to the deepest of turquoise. The dress hugged my curves perfectly. This was a far cry from medical scrubs, gloves and masks, I thought to myself as I stared at my reflection. 

"Come on the car is here to take us to the banquet". I heard from behind me, I turned around to see my mother looking at me in shock. "Oh my Goddess you look so beautiful, I never thought that I would have the chance to see you like this. My dear, you are stunning and I pray that you find your mate tonight". I just stood there not wanting to think about that last part. My mother came up to me and hugged me offering a comforting smile. "If you find him, then it was meant to be, okay my dear?". I could see tears forming in her eyes and I didn't have the heart to tell her that finding my mate was the last thing that I wanted. 

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