The Kithotaur

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Wonder Woman led Superman and Captain Marvel into the Themysciran embassy's kitchen.

A bull-headed man in a chef's uniform stood at the counter slicing vegetables.

"Superman, Captain Marvel, meet  Ferdinand. He's in charge of our kitchen," Diana introduced the man.

 He's in charge of our kitchen," Diana introduced the man

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"You're the Minotaur?" gaped Clark.

"That's a distant cousin of mine. I grew up outside Kithira which makes me a Kithotaur," he replied as he carved the cucumber creating a sculpture of a peacock.

"My friends and I were wondering whether you have any information on the abduction of creatures into our world," Diana asked as she watched the chef at work.

"Ah that. Seems Typhon's ally King Kull implants tiny chips under the skin of his captives.

They are working on something in another realm and have some machinery that sends chipped slaves to and from that realm to do their dirty work.

My friend, Pergasus, cut his chip out and is hiding here," Ferdinand grinned as he put the finishing touches on his masterpiece.

"So are you guys staying for dinner?"


Ferdinand led them down a corridor in the embassy to the guest rooms.

As the door of a long unused guest room creaked open, Clark heard the nervous heartbeat of its occupant.

"Pergasus?" Diana's voice softened as a beautiful white steed poked his head through the door.

As they walked into the room, Clark marvelled at the magnificent creature. Its wings spread out, occupied the entire living area of the cosy room.

One of its front legs was wrapped in a bandage.

"Princess Diana! I'm honored to finally meet you," the horse lowered his head bashfully.

"King Kull sent Bellerophon and I here to destroy Themyscira. I bucked Belle off my back and fled.

Philippus helped me cut the chip out of my leg before Kull could snatch me back to his hideout."

"Do you still have it?" Diana knelt down and gently examined the injured limb.

"Yes. Antiope deactivated it and returned it to me," the horse trotted to a shelf and retrieved a metal bullet the size of a grain of rice.

"We can reactivate it and Supes can get a ride straight to Kull's hideout," grinned Cap as he studied the metal rice grain.

"Any idea where Typhon is?" Asked Marvel as he worked on the chip.

"He's not with Kull. Sivana's lab has moved into an underground cavern near a cluster of live volcanos in this world," Pegasus replied.

With the activated chip in Superman's hand, big blue climbed onto Pergasus' back.

"Man, are you heavy. Ever considered going on a diet?" Grumbled the winged steed.

A blinding golden light struck man and steed. The room was replaced by a dark cavern. A caveman with a horned Helmut operated the machine.
King Kull!

Superman felt his powers ebb away.
The realm thrummed with Magic!


Captain Marvel caught his breath.

Wonder Woman looked stunning in her golden armour. It's part of her divine arsenal, the only armour known to withstand the force of tesseract bombs.

She had that power over all men. Not even the World's Mightiest Mortal with complete invulnerability was immune. Was that part of her power set?

Steadying himself, he focused on the map in front of him. Based on Ferdinand's description, Sivana's Lab was thirty feet underground, here, he circled a horseshoe shaped belt around the rim of the Pacific Ocean.
"We'll start here. Are you ready?"

Scouring the stretch of land, a metallic glint from the grassy patch below caught the Captain's attention.

"There," he pointed as he landed before what looked like a rabbit hole with a metal lid covering it. The hole it covered was the entrance to a lead lined passage.

"They are probably in there but if we smash in, we'll lose the element of surprise," Captain Marvel frowned.

There was no way his shoulders could fit in that narrow, Sivana sized tunnel.

Wonder Woman couldn't squeeze in either.

"It's no different from crawling through vents which is Billy's specialty, so.." Captain Marvel took a few steps back.

"No. Do not power down," Wonder Woman protested.


When the smoke cleared, Billy had dived into the rabbit hole. "I've got my comms on so you can hear everything," piped Billy as he slipped down the tunnel.

 "I've got my comms on so you can hear everything," piped Billy as he slipped down the tunnel

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After what seemed like hours, he saw light. Slipping out of the tunnel, something hit the back of his head.

The room spun as his head throbbed. The last thing he saw was his bald little bespectacled nemesis.
Then everything went black.

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