The Curse of Medusa

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Granite Batman tucked under one arm and the Man of Stone under the other, Wonder Woman carried her petrified comrades into her invisible jet.

It was good that Billy had gone off to help Hal and Barry. Captain Marvel was many things, but a killer, he was not.

Medusa was once a beautiful maiden. The unfortunate victim of one god's lust and another's curse. With the Wisdom of Solomon, Billy would know all that too.

To restore her victims to living flesh and blood, someone had to kill Medusa. Billy's bleeding heart will never allow him to do that.

Still, maybe Althea knew of another way.

The plane door slid open. Althea was already waiting to receive Medusa's victims.

"Get me the purple ray now. Before their lives fade away completely," the Amazon doctor ordered.

"How do we restore them?" Diana prayed Althea had a more palatable solution.

"Dear sister, you already know the answer," Althea lowered her head. Sadness filled her eyes as she lay the patients on their respective beds.

"She was a woman who was taken advantage of and cursed," Diana pleaded, hoping against hope there was a way to save the tortured sister.

"The woman she was died when the curse was placed on her. A monster has hijacked her body," Althea shook her head as she turned on the purple ray.

"Do not behead her as that will only prolong her curse." Althea took Diana's hand and looked her in the eye.
"Drive your sword through her heart. That will break the curse and send her to her eternal rest."


Scenic islands had become a war zone. Lava poured out of what used to be serene mountain peaks as Flash evacuated the Islanders.

"Superman's x-ray vision would make him a better bet for this job," Hal's voice came through the comm.

"Cap's got the Wisdom of Solomon which makes him know stuff, you know, like some kind of sixth sense. Like a spider sense?" Barry replied.

Hal and Barry had forgotten he could hear them through the comms. Again. Billy rolled his eyes.

"You got a point there. Maybe he was bitten by a radioactive spider and got the powers of a spider. Or maybe he is a magical human spider," Hal replied.

"He doesn't look spider-ish. But maybe he's a magical spider disguised as a human, given the powers of... Who did he say his elders were?" Came Barry's voice.

"Guys, I can hear you!" Billy snorted.

"You got superhearing?" Hal blurted.

"No. You left the comms on," sighed Billy.

Green Lantern stopped up the volcanoes with his constructs but pressure was building beneath.

"Cap! Tunnel through and direct the lava here," barked Hal as he created a green funnel leading into a massive container in the center of the island.

That's why they wanted Supes or me.

Billy flew through the ground beneath the funnel until he hit the lava pool, then he continued beneath each volcano, allowing the lava to burst through the tunnel he created, into Hal's waiting construct.

As lava filled the glowing green jar, a dark cloud emerged growing larger by the second. Unearthly shrieks accompanied it. Those tiny specks that made up that cloud were stone dragons!

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