1 - Introduction to Godhood

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A throne was erected from the ground, mostly made of water and stone yet on the stone were incredibly intricate designs. Creatures such as horses, lions, and even monsters such as dragons, cyclops eyes and even the Chimera. A humongous aura
surrounded Percy and as it dissipated, he felt great. But the thrill of the moment was interrupted by none other than the King of Olympus. "Swear your and your monster's allegiance to Olympus now!" he demanded.

Percy chuckled. "You know, one thing I have learned from being a demigod is with a being of my power, I can afford to wager a little. So I will indeed swear allegiance if I get go give two certain gods thrones on the Olympian Council."

"I am not here to negotiate, sea spawn! Do it now!" Zeus thundered. Percy smirked.

"You wouldn't want all these monsters being controlled by such a dangerous god, now would you Drama Queen?" he taunted.

"Fine. I agree to your terms. Now, make the pledge." Zeus declared. Percy wagged his finger.

"No can do until you swear on the Styx."

"Fine." the sky god said for the second time, seething with rage. "I swear on the River Styx that I will fulfill your wishes once you swear allegiance to Olympus." Thunder boomed in the distance.

"Perfect. I swear on the River Styx to fight for Olympus, not the king, but Olympus unless they do harm to me." Lightning once again struck in the distance, creating a full blown storm. "Now for the thrones. I would like Hestia and Hades to have their thrones and spots on the Olympian Council back.

Zeus raised his hand and two thrones appeared from the ground, one made of brick and swirls of fire and the second made of various black and dark materials. "Council meeting dismissed. I'm not having a party for this brat." Percy laughed and Hestia approached him.

"Thank you so much Perseus. How could I repay you?" she asked.

"Just call me Percy, milady. And no need to pay me." Percy said.

"Okay, Percy, call me Hestia then. But I must do something for you and I have been thinking about it for a while now. Will you become my champion?"

Percy paused for only a moment before responding. "I would be honored to." Hestia took a step forward and put a hand on Percy's shoulder. A warm light enveloped him and when it vanished, his eyes were slightly different. There was a little more hope in the sea green pupils. Hestia smiled.

"And with you being my champion, you can commandeer my sacred animal with your animal domains."

"Great!" Percy cheered. Hestia once again mentally patted herself on the back, happy to see her favorite once-demigod full of hope.

"Speaking of that, you should start working on your army of monsters and creatures. I'll come over this time because I'm interested. I also have a inkling on how to bring them under your control. I'll flash us to a forest." Hestia grabbed Percy's hand and he accepted her grasp, both appearing in a forest with a small pond. "Focus on all your memories and the image of hellhounds in your mind and tell them to come here. It should work."

After about 30 seconds, we heard some rustling in the trees and 4 hellhounds appeared, yet they did not appear to be hostile. They walked up to Percy. "Wow, this is crazy."

"Indeed. Stick your hand on their heads and tap into your monster domain and a golden light should envelop the dog after some time." Percy did the process and it worked, then he did it to the other three.

"So now what? Where do they go?" Percy asked.

"Well, now they are in two places at once." Percy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "I'll explain. One, they are still here on Earth, but they are claimed as yours. Two, they are in a pocket dimension where all your troops will be. They can seamlessly transition between both at your command, and it all works pretty well."

"Thank you so much for the help Hestia, but how do you know all this stuff?"

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