What it means

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Ch 13: What it means



Vast open sky with birds flying all about, chirping, and crying moving along the wind. Right above them lied white clouds full of wonder and magnificence with powerful flighters flying even above just moving along without any sense of danger or dread. They flew and flew until disappearing beyond the horizon the next moment. That horizon seemed as if a carpet of blue with brilliant white in the centre separating or perhaps joining the two parts. Over there, it was as if the heavens and earth had connected together. It was as if the sea originated from sky and the sky originated from the sea at that one point.

Long ago there were beliefs that the brilliant light was a pathway to ascendence while others believed it to be the way to immortality. Many braved dangers and tried to find whatever they believed lied on the way only to end up disappearing, never to be seen again. Such were the dangers of this vast, seemingly boundless body of water.

The sky above, the sea below, looked one and the same. If there was a difference, then that would be the atmosphere. If sky seemed perfectly calm then sea was constantly churning, never waiting, never stopping. They were so different but perhaps that was the beauty of it all. They filled what other lacked. One vast, the other deep. One loved, the other feared. They were different but also same.

If looked from high above, one could see a crescent moon shaped stretch of gold. The waves of the ocean washed ashore continuously, bringing with them music of perfect harmony. Just listening to it gave one the peace-of-mind, taking away all worries. Many small silhouettes could be seen moving about here.

There were children playing in sand, building castles and structures of their imaginations using sand only for them to be rolled over by the currents while others would be blown away by sudden gusts of winds in continuous manner. Adults could be seen swimming, running and doing all sorts of things for their entertainment. They had come here by leaving every single worry behind. Just to relax and enjoy.

Over on the other shore forbidden to visitors, fishermen could be seen bringing back the haul while the new ones kept on joining the race. All sorts of fishing ships entered the deep waters one by one. If they had any worry, then that would be how much they could bring back to feed on and nothing else. There was no sense of danger or urgency in their movements and vocals.

The second and largest part of this shore was composed all of structures, big and small. Other then on-land buildings, jetty and quay lined up the entire water way with many ships of huge proportions docked there. This harbour linked the sea of various countries and Orario and was divided into three parts. One for passengers, one for goods while the last was over on the side, mostly empty. That was for VIP's only and couldn't be accessed by just anyone. Day after day, ships of various proportions landed here. Orario was the most famous city in the world and so the amount of traffic moving to-and-fro was massive.

This harbour itself was located in Port melen; a city located south-west of Orario which served as one of the seven connection points of Orario with outside world. The city itself was massive, about half the size of Orario which in-itself was a country called city. The sea shore here was divided into two parts separated by a large distance. A small part was given to visitors for enjoyment purposes with a park just behind while the other part was given to fishermen.

Most of the other sea-connected space was used to make these harbours known far and wide for their size but this was a necessity

Now this didn't mean there was no open space. No in fact there was a lot of open space in the east facing the ocean, surrounded by small rocky hills hiding it from everyone's view.

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