The structure of my fic

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This is how I've structured powers and tiers in my story. It's different from main story, or rather there isn't much of this in main story of danmachi. Even in this fanfic I'm writing, there won't be much direct mention of this stuff.

This is just for understanding in case you find some part to be inconsistence, or they don't make sense.

First of all, Levels

Anyone with Falna regardless of their job would have levels. Here is how they're divided


· Lvl's 1 to 3 would be classified as '3rd class'

· Lvl's 4 to 6 would be classified as '2nd class'

· Lvl's 7 to 9 would be classified as '1st class'

· Lvl 10 would be classified as 'Top class'

So, someone at lvl 4 would be called 2nd class adventurer and so on

Another reason for this classification is because of 'difference' in power they provide


3rd class:

· Someone who reached Lvl 2 would become 2x stronger than his previous self-right out of the bat && same goes for lvl 3.

2nd class:

· Someone who reached Lvl 4 would become 3x stronger than his previous self-right out of the bat && same goes for lvl 5 and lvl 6.

1st class:

· Someone who reached Lvl 7 would become 4x stronger than his previous self-right out of the bat && same goes for lvl 8 and lvl 9.

Top class:

· Someone who reached Lvl 10 would become 5x stronger than his previous self-right out of the bat

This increase is purely stat based. This means that foundation is important. The stronger you were in previous level; the stronger U would become upon reaching the next level.

Now let's talk about levels themselves:

Each level in my fic is divided into 4 categories.

Novice, Intermediate, Advance and peak based on amount of exelia they gained and converted to stats

· I, H, G = Novice

· F, E, D = Intermediate

· C, B, A = Advance

· S = Peak

This too is purely by stats disregarding any and all skills and magic or personal experience.

Those things can be used to make up for the difference in levels and stats

These levels aren't just applied to adventurers but also to things made by those with falna.

· Weapons, Armor's and shields etc are also divided into levels

· Same goes for toxins and medicines

Natural Resistances:

The higher the level, the stronger you are and greater the resistance to all things. Removing any and all skills and magic from equation and based on pure level and stats, this is what they can handle

Levels and stats strengthen the body giving it natural resistances to many toxic substances and other forces. Even without any skill or magic, lvl 4 adventurer would be pretty much immune to normal beverages like alcohol etc. Most poisons wouldn't work on them either BUT this is purely based on 'normal humans. The poisons which could insta-kill a normal human would atmost only give a stomache to Lvl 4's and Lvl 6's would be completely immune to them.

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