7 • rizz

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<(f/d) = favorite drink>

"are. you. serious?" everyone stared in shock above them in the trees where ms. kocho stood. "this is the last team building activity for today! you and your team will walk across this tight rope course while keeping your arms linked," she explained to the students below her, who were surprised that the school has set up something as extreme as tight roping. "of course, we are not forcing everyone to participate, but we do encourage participation from as many people as possible. now, does any team volunteer to go first?"

aoi looked over to you and your team, "i think we-"

"ME! I WANNA GO FIRST!" inosuke shouted while running towards the gear-up section. the rest of your team followed. you stared in confusion, "wait wha-"

muichiro grabbed your hand, interrupting your questioning. yuichiro smirked at the sight, 'getting confident now brother? how fun!'

muichiro looked over at you as he walked you towards the rest of the team. "sorry...do you not want to? i just...thought it would be fun.." he let go of your hand. you couldn't refuse him after seeing the excitement in his eyes. sure, you thought he was rude at first. but after clearing out your misjudgment on him, you were starting to think that he genuinely wanted to become friends with you.

"i will participate. i won't hold our team back!" at your response your team smiled. some chaperones walked you over to put on a helmet and gear to ensure your safety in the air. there were 4 sets of obstacles in the air, two of which were crossing just a rope while the other two included wooden platforms that you would need to hop on to get across.

from below, the roped did not look that high. however, after the long ladder climb up, it felt like you were above in the clouds, the people below looking like ants. your team linked arms, inosuke leading the way followed by aoi, you, then muichiro. the adrenaline filled your whole team as inosuke started to walk across the first rope. once you and aoi followed, you both had a difficult time balancing. however, muichiro was there to help you stay upright and balanced.

"y/n if you loose balance you owe me ice cream!" you heard yuichiro's voice shout from below. his playful shout made you smile, making you more determined to finish the course. muichiro's arm linked with yours tightened, and he looked over at you with determination. he was glad to see you smile, and he was also proud of the team for working together effectively.

once you all passed the 4 sets of rope (you guys got through it quickly thanks to inosuke leading the way), you were met with a zipline down. inosuke was first to go, and he yelled in joy as he rode down. aoi sighed, looking over at the rest of your team, "that was great, guys. nice job!" she smiled before zip lining down herself. soon, you followed, looking back to smile at muichiro before doing so. you watched from below as the rest of your team rode down.

yuichiro ran towards you all, stopping to talk to muichiro, "you're quite bold, brother. rizz her up." he whispered, just loud enough for muichiro to hear. muichiro's face slightly flushed at hearing his brother's comment. "...whatever.."


muichiro peaked out his bedroom door. hid brother's friend had came over again, and he was unconsciously gaining an interest in you. "this is my favorite drink!" he heard you announce. yuichiro started at you blankly, "really? quite basic to be honest," he replied teasingly. you both broke into an argument while muichiro secretly observed the drink you were holding. '(f/d), huh?'


you unlocked your shoe locker, nezuko standing next to you as you both got ready to leave. not surprisingly, there was another (f/d) in in your locker. nezuko smiled before letting out a sigh, "wow. whoever keeps putting these in your locker must reeaaallyyy like you!" you smiled to yourself as well. for a few weeks, you have been receiving (f/d) in your shoe locker everyday after school. you had no idea who was putting the drink in your locker, let alone how they know you like that drink, but it made you happy nonetheless. "i hope i get to thank that person one day..."


"huh? someone took the last (f/d)?" you stared in despair at the selection of drinks. it was now dinner time, but you regretted not getting in the dinner line earlier. the chaperone who was serving the food pointed ahead of you, "that young man with the long hair. perhaps you can share with him?" at seeing her point at muichiro, you ran his way in fury, aoi and nezuko following behind.

"you took the last (f/d)? i see how it is.." with that you calmly walked away. muichiro turned to nezuko, "...please tell y/n that this is for her.." he handed nezuko the drink. nezuko raised an eyebrow, "wait, were you the one who put drinks in her locker every-" muichiro put a finger to her mouth to keep her quiet before walking away flustered.

aoi sighed, "geez y/n, let the boy talk at least..."

this is indeed based off another activity i did at training camp (except we didn't do the tight ropes in teams), just because it was really fun! also, i apologize for not updating last week, i've been super busy! thank you so much for your patience!!

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