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I stayed silent as this short man with caramel skin stood before me (#phase1) "Eh?! did yeh not hear meh?!" 2D gulped and stepped forward "murdoc This is y/n.. Y/n this is muds-"2D said fidgeting "why is she here?" murdoc said raising his eyebrow 

"Eh.. she wanted to meet The band" Murdocks expression changed "Well why didnt you Just say that!" Murdock walk towards me and grabbed my hand, he then precided to give me the most aggressive handshake ever

 "Im murodoc! murdoc niccals, the fangirl magnet of the group!" he said still shaking my hand "your not a fangirl magnet murdoc-" "Yes i am!" murodc said cutting 2D off. He finally stopped shaking my hand "sooo.. 2D finally has a girl friend-" 2D walked infront of me facing murdoc "No murodc its not like that-" 2D said blushing. murodoc rolled his eyes

 "Well when are You going to get one?!" 2D shushed murdoc "OK I THINK YOUR OUGHT TO BE LEAVING!!" 2D said visibly embarrassed "No! I have an offer to give to her" murdoc said pushing 2d to the side

"Y/N, Do you have a Job?" Oh, I get it now. "I mean.. I do but I absolutely hate my job. 'd do anything to get rid of it" Murdocs eyes beamed "Ok! what if I said All of that could just.. disappear!" he said making a variety of hand gestures 

"what are you getting at?" I said visibly confused "I'm saying.. Would you like to work for me?! you'll get double pay and you get to live here! which means No rent for you.. No bills.. No NOTHING!" Murdoc said excitedly. I looked over to 2D,

 when he saw me looking at him he had just shrugged nervously. This was a good offer... But was I ready to leave London?

My mum had always told me to take risks, And to be fair... I hated my job, and it wasn't as my family lived near me anyway. "..Ok ill work for you"

 I said looking back at Murdoc "YES! YES!" Murdoc celebrated "but I have 2 questions, what's my job, and where the bloody hell would I sleep?" Murdoc put a confident face on "well as an assistant, you'll remind us of your schedules.. look after noodles.. etc. But for your living situation.. well, you can sleep in my room! it's big-"

 "No! absolutely Not Murdoc!" 2D said cutting Murdoc off "what?! Why not?!" Murdoc said looking behind him to 2D "Because Paula's room is completely vacant and no one in there. Also because you're greasy and weird." Murdoc looked down crossing his arms making incompressible angry sounds. 

"well then... guess you'll be in Paula's room. 2D!" 2D sprung up "bring Y/n there for me. ok faceache?!" 2d rolled his well I guess sockets (lowkey forgot he didn't have eyes LMAO) "Ok greasy locks. follow me, love,"

I ran over to 2D catching up to him as he was walking down the halls "danm.. he doesn't care huh?" i said looking up at 2D "yeah.. but. without him this place would feel empty." i nodded my head. a couple moments passed without sound "uhm.. whos paula?" 

2D seemed o tensed up when i inquired this. "i- uh.. well shes my ex.. she cheated on me with murdoc actually.. its wierd for you to be in her room i know but i think its better than being with that greasy asshole." 2d said chuckling.

"im so sorry 2D.." 2D looked back at me "no no its fine... it was a long time ago.." it got quiet again, why would any girl treat him so badly? he seemed like a sweet boy. "If i was yours, i would never even think about anyone else." I blurted out covering my mouth right after. I cant belive i just said that- i probally wierded him out 2D stopped walking immediately

 And he turned his head to look at me. obviously covering his pink dusted face "D-Do you really mean that?" he said a bit quiet. i took my hands off my mouth "uh.. yeah" 2D turned to me fully smiling "Then maybe im not hopeless after all." we stayed in comfortable silence, looking at eachother. Thats when out of nowhere 2D grabbed my hand and started running down the hall

 "Cmon! Let me show you your room!" what was with this boy and taking my hands?! After a bit of turns here and there we finally arive "her room is next to mine cus well.. you know." Oh, so i was next to 2D? well at least its him and not murdoc.. "dont worry the walls are sound proof!"

2D then opened the door, to a huge room.

i told yall i aint hating on murdoc all that much >:D

The boy in the bookshop. / 2D x reader (discontinued) (im sorry)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon