"It's empty," He informed them.

The barking of a dog disrupted their plan to leave the area.

"It felt the energy of the sorcery," Seo Yul said when they all looked at the dog.

"Master Heo was right," Na Moo looks at the dog in awe. "This Sapsali was indeed Gwigu."

"Did the alchemy of souls take place here?" One of the mages asked.

Seo Yul's eyes landed on the shards of glass just below the fountain. He bends down to pick them up, only for some to fall on the ground and turn into black clouds of dust.

"What are those?"

"Maybe this is the Soul Ejector," One replied.

Sang Ho who had his attention divided as he scanned the place walks away from the group, picking up what he had found. "This bracelet," He lifts it. "Is this not Young Master Jang's binding bracelet?"

"Why is this here?"

"Does this mean Uk was here?"

"They fought here."

Seo Yul surveyed the area, recognizing their need for clarity and answers. With a sigh, he turns to them. "Please return to Songrim and report what you saw here. Dang Gu, search inside the fortress for Uk. I will explore this area."

"Understood," they acknowledged before dispersing to carry out their tasks.

Amidst the loud noises of crunching leaves, running footsteps, and the barking of the Sapsali, the two were darting into the woods. The noise of the barking dog created a disorienting din, making it challenging for Na Ra to focus as all she could hear was the load bark and ringing.

It was only getting louder.

They took a sharp turn as Na Ra pushed Mu Deok to the ground to hide her.

"Just keep running," she silently mouthed. Aware of Na Ra's capabilities, Mu Deok swiftly nods and sprinted ahead, trusting her friend to manage the situation adeptly.

"Young Lady Chung?" Na Moo emerged alongside the Sapsali, the barked ceased as the dog fixed its gaze in the direction Mu Deok had fled. "What are you doing here this late?"

"I was taking a walk," she explained, feigning nonchalance and lightly tapped her ears. 

He nods his head seemingly unsuspecting, as he was aware of her penchant for late-night strolls. It seemed a plausible excuse, even if she wondered if he had any suspicions. She sighs. "Whats wrong?"

"A sorcery happened," he informed her, their attention drawn to the Sapsali, which resumed growling and darting off, barking.

Na Ra's jaw clenched as she attempted to follow, only to be stopped by Na Moo who took hold of her arm.

"It's too dangerous, Young Lady. He sensed a soul shifter," He cautioned. "Please stay here."

She shakes her head. "I have more experience in this than you. I can handle a soul shifter."

She left no room for argument as she had already run off following the sounds of barking. Na Moo suppressed a groan and ran after her, struggling to track the dog's location because of the echoing barks. 

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