Dust sighed, as he than looked up at the stars, as his scarf, along with Geno's scarf, began to wave around a little bit, as Dust than spoke out.

"It is so beautiful inside of this area. I only wish I had an AU as beautiful as this one that we are seeing before us."

Dustbelief walks up next to Dust and spoke out.

"Agreed, brother. But at least our homes got a new happy ending, even though it had been difficult to try and obtain it."

Dust nodded, as he than looked around the area for a little bit, before he than spoke out.

"I'm gonna see if there is anyone near us, or at least, near our location, and hopefully they do not spot us. Scoundrel, Papyrus, please do the same."

The other 2 nodded, as Dust than stood up, and he then began to walk around and try to see if there is an area that they are able to see if there are anyone coming to the location that the others are in now. His eyes flared dangerously, as he is ready to fight, and in case that this Outertale is a genocide timeline of sorts, or at least, he hopes that it is not a genocide timeline of sorts, especially with how dangerous the human can be. He maybe much more stronger, and he may refuse death, but the human's Determination is without limit, while Dust, he does not know if there is a limit to how much Determination that he has inside of himself. However, the good thing is that, since he had been consuming human food, he had gained more and more physical matter enough for his Determination, and he is now able to gain Animosity, which made him even more powerful than he was before in the past, and combined with the fact that he had been able to kill Bete Noire, made him even more dangerous than ever before, and now, he is going to use that on the human that dares to try and attack him, that dares to the and kill him for the LV that he has inside of himself, as well as his Determination.

As Dust searches around, he goes to try and see if there is an area in which he can spot the place where there are any likely unwanted visitors to see. As he walked around, he then saw something in the corner of his eye sockets. He turned around, and saw a bright flash of light appear out of complete nowhere, and he does not know why. This made Dust confused, as he than goes to the bright flash of light, and tries to see what it is that has appeared, and he has his scythe ready, as he prepares himself to slice down and kill the ones that are an enemy. He walks up to the area of where the bright flash of light is, and he than saw it, but not what he expected to see.

What appeared onto the ground of the Outertale version of Snowdin...is none other than a Sans that looks exactly like Dust, except that he looked like a normal Sans. But despite this, he can feel that this Sans has Determination inside of him. Stronger than the human in a way, but weaker than Dust himself, but is likely as strong, if not stronger than Geno, but he has no idea if that sort of thing is true or not. In fact, he has no idea how strong this version of Sans before him is.

Dust than bends down and picked up the other Sans, as he held him, before he than teleported to the ground, and when the group turned around, they are surprised to see that Dust had reappeared with a Sans in his hands, picked up, and being carried, as he is unconscious. Color Sans goes to this Sans, as he than used his blue magic and sets him down onto the ground, as he than spoke.

"What the...where did you find this one?"

Dust than spoke out.

"I don't know. He just appeared in a flash of light for some unknown reason."

Delta looks down and spoke out.

"This amount of DT, there is only one version of Sans that I can think of that has this amount...but it can't be. That version of dead."

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