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Minho on the other hand tried to pretend as if nothing happened. Though he was not very good at it. At work, he started to lash out at his employees including Felix and his business partner Chan. At home, he would just cry for hours on end, cry for many things cry from the stress of it all, cry for the loss of Dayeon, and cry for the loss of Jisung which he didn't really understand.

For the past 24 hours, Minho kept thinking about how he felt about Jisung. He felt something and he knew it but he just couldn't pinpoint what it was. Something about Jisung was special to him and he knew that but his heart just couldn't let go of how wronged he felt.

"Inho Minho LEE MINHO" Felix shouted snapping his boss out of his trance. "What is going on with you right now you've been acting so weird lately"

"What do you want Yongbok I have work to do" Minho once again snapped at the Aussie.

Felix just sighed. "Minho I don't know what's going on with you but it's pissing me off. If you want someone to talk to I'm here but you need to stop acting like a little bitch and lashing out at me and everyone else who wants nothing but the best for you"

Minho was silent for a couple of minutes his mind blank. Felix had never ever spoken to him or anyone else like that but he knew that Felix was right.

"I'm sorry, I just I've been going through a lot right now" Minho placed his head on his desk.

"What's going on Min" Felix sat down across from his friend.

"I think I'm in love again," Minho said still not looking up toward the other man.

"That's a great thing Minho, why would that affect you like this" Felix tilted his head.

"The guy that I like was there that day. He was there when Dayeon died" Minho felt warm tears slide down his cheeks.

"What? He didn't do it did he? How would you have met him he should be in jail!" Felix screamed.

"It was his brother but he was there in the car he let his brother drive drunk and didn't even stop him" Minho finally looked up at his friend the pain in his eye evident.

"Min that's not his fault. You can't blame him for that you don't know what happened that day Minho" Felix said.

"He knew that man was drunk he let him drive that car he is just as equally at fault," Minho said in disbelief.

"Minho if you truly like this guy you will hear him out. Listen to his side listen to him when he explains why he let his brother drive that day don't just go and blame him for what happened. If you feel this way about him who knows how he feels about you and who knows how much pain he's going through right now? If you're screaming at us who knows what you did to him"

"I just need to get over him I don't want to be with someone who hurt someone I loved so much" Minho leaned back in his chair.

"Listen to yourself Minho you LOVED Dayeon. You LOVE this boy so much but won't give him any chance because of someone you used to love" Felix argued.

"I still love Dayeon I will love her for the rest of my life" Minho was exhausted his head hurt and he had no clue what to feel anymore.

"Minho at this moment in time if that boy and Dayeon were both standing right here and you had to choose to leave with one of them who would you pick," Felix said giving Minho the ultimatum.

It took Minho sometime to even speak "I don't know... no I love Dayeon she was my world"

"Min just the fact that you hesitated speaks volumes on how you truly feel for this boy" Felix was stressed out just from this little information so he couldn't imagine how Minho was feeling at this moment in time.

"Im going home for the day Felix I'm not feeling good" Minho slowly stood up "send everyone else home after I leave I don't wanna see anyone else today"

Felix just nodded and let his boss leave the building before doing his final task of the day.

❀ ❀ ❀

Minho made it home and laid down on his couch not even bothering to remove his shoes.

"Dayeon I'm so sorry. I'm sorry but I want him so bad. I know what he's done, I know how much he hurt us but he...Dayeon I love him" Minho stared at the ceiling his body hurting from how much he's been crying.

"Please forgive me Yeonie. You will always be the love of my life, my soul mate, and my first love. But I want to move on it hurts too much"

Minho finally dragged himself to his bathroom starting a bath for himself.

❀ ❀ ❀

'I miss Jisung' Minho was once again staring at the ceiling sitting in his bath regretting leaving Jisung outside in the cold in the middle of the night by himself. Regretting telling the boy to stay out of his life. Regretting blocking the person who helped him move on from the most traumatic moment of his life. Regretting leaving Han Jisung. 

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