Alya's Interview

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"Come on, Marinette. Please!"

"I don't know, Alya. I don't think it be nice to bother Spidey in what he's doing right now to ask him about an interview."

"Come on! I interviewed you many times. A few times with Cat Noir. I just really feel like my followers should know more about Spider-Man."

"I just really don't know, Alya."


Alya gave Marinette a begging face, with puppy eyes. Marinette looked away and tried not to give in. Until she looked at Alya again, and she was still making the face. She couldn't resist anymore. She got up from her chair, and groaned.

"Uuuuugggghhhhh. Ok Alya, I'll ask him now. Tikki, Spots on!"

Marinette then transformed into Ladybug.

"Uh, why did you transform, Mari?"

"I only have Spider-Man's phone number on my bug phone. I just felt safer to do so."

She pulled out her yo-yo, and turned on her bug phone. Ladybug then found Spider-Man's contact, and dialed it. On the other side of the city, Peter was in an old abandoned science lab. He was able to sneak in there, and saw that it had a good amount of tools and equipment for him to work on a portal device back home. When he was working on it, his phone started to ring. He saw that it was Ladybug calling him. Peter gave Ladybug his second phone number so that she wont know that he's Spider-Man since Marinette has his main number on her phone.

"Ladybug? What's wrong? Is it another akuma attack?! Where is it a-"

"No no, it's not that, Spidey. I just, need to ask you favor."

"Ok. What is it?"

"You know Alya Cesaire from the Ladyblog, right?"

"Yes. It's where I got most of the information of you and Cat Noir. And about what happenes here."

"Well, she came up to me today while I was on patrol, and asked if she can get an interview with you."

"Oh. Yeah. I'll do it."

"You sure? You aren't too busy?"

Peter looked at his starting progress of his portal device. It doesn't hurt to start another day.

"No, it's fine. Tell her I can, and send me the address she tells you."

"Alright, sounds good. I'll tell her."

Ladybug hung up, and transformed back to Marinette. She looked at Alya, and she had an excited face.

"Looks like you got an interview, Alya."

Alya squealed, and hugged Marinette.

"Thanks girl! You're the best!"

"Anything for my best friend. So, where are going to have it at?"

"Maybe just my home."

"But, what about your family?"

"They'll be gone around four for a few hours. It'll be a perfect time."

"Alright, I'll tell him."

She transformed again, and texted Spider-Man Alya's address, and a time to met her there.

"Alright Alya, he got everything notified."

"Thanks so much, Marinette! I'm gonna go prepare! See ya later."


*Time Skip*

A few hours pass by, and it was time for the interview. Alya's family left the apartment 20 minutes ago, and it took the time for Alya to clean in the living room to get ready for her interview. When she was done, she heard a knock on her balcony doors. She turned around, and saw Spider-Man waving to her. She quickly walked towards the doors, and opened them.

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