Race~Just Doing My Job

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(what you're wearing above)

Race ~ Just Doing My Job

First Imagine!

Y/N= your name

N/N= Nick name

E/C= eye color

H/C= hair color

Y/N P.O.V.:

Today was my first day back at school and most people hate school, but I love it, for one, and ONLY one reason. It gets me away from my parents. I hate my parents, they are always either drunk or spending their money on things to get drunk on. I work at a small coffee shop so I can make money to provide my own food, and when I'm old enough, I'm out of here. I'm not saying that I don't like Manhattan, believe me I do, I just don't want to ever see my parents again. Of course, I never used to mind when they were drunk, but for the past few years they've made a habit of hitting me whenever they fall drunk, and that's quite often. Anyways, the school day was just about to end and I was grabbing my books and making my journey towards where I worked. On the way there I encountered a certain brown haired newsie that I've had my eye on the past year. Over time I've learned his name is Race and he is the most flirtatious boy you could probably meet. As I was getting ready to walk past him into the coffee shop I work at, he shouted, "Extra, Extra! Man fell 10 stories out of a building while trying to escape a house fire, which killed 23 people!" I know, I know, sounds a little violent and most likely made up, but I'm a sucker for this kid. How could I resist the chance to interact with him? I walked up to the newsie and said, "Hi, how much?" "A penny a pape miss," He said, meanwhile kissing my knuckles, he always seemed to have this sly smirk on his face. I gave him a nickel, grabbed the paper, and I was about to enter the cafe until he had stopped me. "Miss, I'se can't possibly take this, it's too much! Now who would I'se be to scam such a beautiful lady like you'se?" "Oh no, it's fine! Keep the change for being, o-so charming." I answered, with a sarcastic tone in my voice. "Well, not only is the lady truthful, because I am, in fact, o-so charming, but she's beautiful! I'se say! And what is your name doll?" Doll. Hearing him call me that made butterflies erupt in my stomach. "My name is y/n, and what is yours?" "The names Race, Racetrack Higgins!" "Well Race, Racetrack Higgins, I must be on my way, for I have work to attend to and I cannot be late, good day sir." I may have come off a bit rude but that's probably because I have no friends, I'm not really good in social situations, ESPECIALLY, with my crush. Just as I was about to turn away a warm hand had wrapped around my wrist and pulled me closer. "Will I see you again?" Wow, my crush wanted to see me? I wasn't going to miss that chance! "Sure you will! Tomorrow night at 7:00 pm, meet me on the roof of this address." I quickly tore off a piece of the newspaper and wrote my address down and gave it to him. He quickly took it and stuffed it in his pocket. "Can't wait. See you tomorrow night." He smirked. Ugh why'd he have to be so hot.

Part Two Coming Soon? :D

Sorry this was short, this is my first imagine!

~Newsies Imagines~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang