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KRS!Cale: W-what are you doing?

Clopeh Sekka, Joo Ho Shik: We're just going on a vacation, what do you mean?

KRS!Cale: Uh... Then why am I tied up??

Clopeh, JHS: We know you'll run away when we aren't looking, so this is a safety measure. (:

KRS!Cale, sweating and anticipating the worst: Ha... ha hahaHAHHA that's a joke, right? I-I would never run away! And these ropes are a bit overkill, don't you think? ;;;

Clopeh, JHS: Like we said before, it's just a precaution, we trust that Young Master Silver Shield would never abandon us.

KRS!Cale, internally: what the hell are they gonna do to me?!! A lunatic swordmaster, and a slightly saner lunatic! Did I do something wrong? Are they going to kil— WAIT! Could it be?! Are they going to make me attend another meet and greet at that damned museum?! I'd rather die—!

Clopeh, JHS, internally: Finally! We can finally have him pose for a sculpture! All we need to bribe him is a few million gold! History will be made, and the world will once again be eternally blessed by the Young Master's grace—!

Rosalyn, On, and Mary: Is it really okay to let him get abducted like that?

Eruhaben, munching on some snacks: Just watch, the real drama starts after he manages to make his way back here.

Beacrox: I'll go prepare some more food for the ladies. This will be entertaining~


Some Random Kidnapper: We have your liege! Hand over 5 billion gold by tomorrow if you ever want to see him again!

KRS!Cale: What? Do you know how much I am? Do you really belive that I'm truly worth f i v e? b i l l i o n? g o l d?

Some Random Kidnapper: Hmm, I see, of course the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces would be way mor—

KRS!Cale: You agree, right? Good, now just announce that the ransom is 5 million gold and then we won't have a problem.

Some Random Kidnapper: uh- Sure...

(3 minutes after the announcement)

Some Random Kidnapper: ????? WAIT! Are you trying to make it so your team has to pay less? I'm not a complete idiot, you know!

KRS!Cale: What do you mean? No matter what the ransom is nobody is going to pay it, I thought you knew that. Also, I know my worth, so please stop dictating other people's value, it's rude.

Some Random Kidnapper: Wait what do you mean no one's going to—


Choi Han, Rosalyn, Lock, Raon, Tasha(who was sent by Alberu), Mary, On & Hong: "CALE-NIM!" ""CALE!"" "YOUNG MASTER!" "YOUNG MASTER CALE!" ""CALE NYA!"" "HUMAN"

KRS!Cale: See? I told you nobody's gonna pay. Except you, of course.

(After they get back home)

Choi Han: Cale-nim, why did you lower the ransom? Is that how you really view yourself?

Ron: Young Master is that really what you think? This Ron is wanting to have a talk with you later.

KRS!Cale, internally: W-what's wrong with that? Why am I getting so many chills? They wouldn't hurt me for voluntarily letting myself get kidnapped, right? I just wanted to slack! Fuck!


KRS!Cale: No, really! Why do I have to do this?!

Mila, with a threatening smile: What ever do you mean? It's just a handprint.

Dodori, slightly struggling to press ink on Cale's hands: Just stay still for one second, this should not be this hard!

KRS!Cale: Why did you have to kidnap me if it's just for this? I was taking a nap!

Dodori: Eh? You would've come along on your own? Are you saying I didn't need to tie you up?




Mila, feeling a tad bit guilty but still wanting to help her son: Young Master Cale, you should sit down again, this might take a while. But don't worry, we'll let you have proper breaks and snacks.

KRS!Cale, crying internally: Why are they such vicious dragons? (-;-_-;-)


KRS!Cale: Hey, Lily.

Lily: What is it Orabeoni?

KRS!Cale: Can I have some snacks please? I'm getting hungry again.

Lily: You're not asking for me to let you out? Are you going to try escaping?

KRS!Cale: What? This is the perfect opportunity to slack off, why would I want to escape?

Lily, holding a bag of gold coins: W-Well, Brother said that when you tried to escape, I should give you this. Should I just give it to you now since you said you won't escape, or not? I want to give this to Orabeoni anyway, but what if you take it and run?

KRS!Cale, smiling warmly: It's okay Lily, you can do whatever you want with it. I'm not escaping anytime soon, don't worry.

Lily: Really? Then I'll trust you and give it to you, Orabeoni, just don't go back on your word, otherwise I'll get in trouble with Brother.

KRS!Cale, internally: This is the most relaxing kidnapping I've ever been a part of. I even made a profit. Hmm, I probably should've mentioned it to Hyung or Choi Han beforehand though. Well, I'm sure everything will be okay when I get back.

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