Chapter 1: Calls Can Be A Twist...

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"I have to go and make some errands, Abby. I'll be back around 8 o'clock, okay?" My mum said. I nodded and hugged her. "I can't believe you've been so strong about this." She whispered in my ear and left.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Sienna called after me. "What is it, baby?" I asked her. She pointed at the t.v. "It's daddy!" She squealed. I laughed and looked at the t.v.

"Yes it is. Do you want to know the story about us?" I asked her, stroking her hair. She nodded excitingly. "Story! Story!" She squealed again.

"It's kind of a cute story..." 

[A lot has happened in 2 years, things change, people change, life changes once you grab an oportunity. Like Abby did, she took the oportunity Dottie gave her to be a succesful acctress. Liam and the boys are now in a band called 'One Direction' and now here they are...]






"Mum!" I called after her. "Yes, dear?" She answered several minutes after. "Can you take Sienna to her dancing lessons at 5? I have to go now and I actually can't take her." I told her as soon as she was in the living room with Sienna. I stood up from the sofa and made my way to them. "Okay, baby. Grammy is going to take you to your dancing lessons, okay?" I said to Sienna in a baby voice. She nodded her head cutely and smiled. "Perfect." I whispered, patting Sienna's head lightly. 

"See you soon, baby!" I said, kissing both, Sienna's and my mum's cheeks. 

I opened and closed the door behind me, getting out of the house. 

My phone began ringing. I quickly answered it. "Abby! Darling!" I heard Gina's voice say. "Hello, Gina." I said not so pumped to hear from her. "I called you because I wanted to tell you, Abby, that you won the part for the movie!" She said with a really high voice. "Oh... really!?" I shrieked, almost throwing away my phone. "Yes!" She said, I could just see her snapping her fingers. "So, we start on Wednesday. Don't be late, Abby!" She said and hung up. 

Oh my God! I got the part! 

I hopped into my car and drove to Chelsea's house. 

When I got there I beeped twice and she came out. 

"So, I heard the news already and it seems like you and moi are going shopping!" She said hopping into my car. "Sounds fun, but how about we get a meal called ''!" I said and we both squealed. "Omg! I can't believe it!" She said and hugged me. "Okay, let's go shopping!" I said, starting the car. 



Snap. Snap. Snap. 

Chelsea and I had been walking around all day, paparazzi following us of course. We were tired so we decided to stop quickly at Starbucks, grab two coffees and my delicious croissant. 

"Thank you for the autograph!" Yelled a girl who was at Starbucks. "You're welcome, sweetie." I said and Chelsea and I got out. "I think we should go out more often, people really like you a lot." She said, smiling. "Yeah... I think you meant: We should go out more often so people can see that I'm best friends with Abby Jones." I said in a mocking tone. She laughed and nodded. "Okay, I guess it's true." 

After a long, peaceful silence Chelsea turned the radio on and a familiar song came blaring through the speakers. 

"You don't know you're beautiful!" It sang and it came to an end. 

"That's a really nice song." Chelsea said. I nodded in agreement. "Yes it is. I wonder who's the artist." I said, furrowing my eyebrows. Then, another song started, it sounded like the same voices. "Wow, they sound really good, Abby. I think we do know this guys." She said, tapping at the beat of the song. "You think?" I asked as I gave a 'u' turn. "Yeah... I think its-" She was cut off by the man on the radio. "One Direction!" He exclaimed, people cheering in the background. "Oh." I mumbled, turning on the volume. I wanted to know more about these guys. 

"So tell me, Louis, how has life changed in the last four months for all of you?" The interviewer asked. "Um... I think it's changed quite a lot for all of us and all. Um... we love our fans and everyone that supports us. They are very nice." He answered. "Okay, so Liam," My world stopped. "I've heard there's a special lady in your life. What's her name?"    

"Her name is Danielle Peazer, she's a dancer and she's beautiful."

"Oh... do you have a picture of her?" 

"Yeah..." He said. 


I took my phone out, tapped my password and showed the picture of Danielle to the interviewer. "Oh God, she's very lovely!" She exclaimed, showing her smile. "If she wasn't with you, I'd date you." She joked, giving me a wink. Me and the four lads laughed. 

She started asking some questions before she asked us if we wanted to call some of our fans. 

"Yeah, that would be great." We agreed and called. 


"Oh my God! It was Liam!" Chelsea exclaimed. "It can't be..." I mumbled, shaking my head. My heartbeat increased, my hands were getting a bit clammy. "Yes it was! Go! Call him! Call!" She said giving me my phone. I shook my head, and took a deep breath. "No, Chelsea. That's not okay." I said as if I was her own mother. "Ugh, fine. I'll call him." She said tapping on her phone. I sighed, and snatched her phone away from her hands and pressing it to my ear. 

It started ringing... once... twice... and then.... he answered.

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