Chapter 12

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3d person pov (Olivia)

Olivia was shocked, bamboozled and quite certainly *read hopefully* dying of confusion and hope, that this was a dream. Like, c'mon Dumbledore, first, you say that CHARLES POTTER, a FIRST year, took on and knocked out a fully grown troll when there is an obviously more capable, older wizard right there, and then you try and use legilimency on the aforementioned older wizard, and then get caught whilst doing so. Isn't he meant to be the most powerful wizard alive??

"Well Albus?" Asked a Scottish voice, tinged with concern for her *ahem* favourite student and lightly concealed fury for the meddling coot, Professor Minerva McGonagall, deputy head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Head of Gryffindor house, was not going to let him get away with this.

"I don't know why you thought using an illegal branch of mind magic on one of my pupils was acceptable Albus, however I shall tell you this now. If, you decide to do it again, the consequences could be decidedly more" a pause filled with suspense "severe." Sneered the voice of Professor Snape, filled with disinterested and a slight bit of disdain.

Charles' POV

Of course Snivellous was going to stick up for his slimy snake of a brother, Snape with his greasy hair and sallow skin could almost resemble a snake if not for the fact he was human, (I, personally think its hilarious how Slytherins are referred to as "slimy snakes" in the book as snakes are not slimy.) ok, maybe he didnt resemble a snake but he was still slimy and annoying and a git. However, Charles was surprised about Minnie, dad said he could call her that, Dad had gone on and on about how Minnie was "the best Professor and always let them get away with everything" but Charles got 5 points taken off for being 5 minutes late to her lesson on the FIRST DAY! Like, he knows Hufflepuffs are given maps but dad gave him the Marauders Map so he didn't need them, or so he thought. The map led him through tons of passage ways until he ended up on the Third Floor and was caught by Filch, the greasy git and his scrappy cat Mrs Norris (I think Mrs Norris is beautiful in the films).

3d person pov

Having been caught in a trap, Dumbledore cleared his throat and said "well my dears, this has been quite an experience for you children, if you could follow you heads of houses back to your common rooms, all the food was transported to them, Mr Potter, my dear boy if you could accompany me to my office, I wish to have a chat with you about this ordeal."


Welp, chp 12 is done, idk maybe this'll be updated before Halowe'en but, if your acc enjoying this story and want another chapter, check this before Christmas if I haven't got chp 13 out yet. I'm just kinda going with the flow so I might stick to the plan set out for the story, might not, who knows?

Chp 13, Mirror of Erised and discovering Nicolas Flamel and Philosophers Stone
Anyway hope use enjoy xx

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