Chapter 11

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3d person pov

"You. You did thi..this Mr Potter?" questioned a highly suspicious Professor McGonagall.
"Yes, Olivia jump... jumped on its back and I used Widgarnium Levosia* on the club to kill it" stuttered a bright red Charles Potter.
Olivia hoped that Professor Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, defeater of Gellert Grindelwald and the only man that He Who Must Not Be Named fears, would come to the obvious conclusion that, "Well, congratulations my dear boy, it is not every day that a first year student takes on a fully grown mountain troll, is it? I do believe that a nice rest in the hospital wing is in need for both of you, dear children?"
There was complete silence in the bathroom, apart from the pitiful trickling of the water from the exploded taps falling onto the ground, and then, out of nowhere, a high pitched, almost tinged with hysteria, laugh started. Olivia Lily Potter, the type of girl who was pretty much un phased at everything, could not believe what she was hearing, "You..You.. actually believe tha-that.. HE did that, Charles Potter? That boy, standing right there, are you actually stupid, like, have those lemon sherbets mixed with the nerves in your brain and caused damage to the COMMON SENSE side of things? For Merlin's sake, HE COULDN'T EVEN PRONOUNCE THE SPELL PROPERLY, LET ALONE CAST IT!"

Whilst everything was happening, Hadrian was come over with a wave of exhaustion and a feeling of someone poking the back of his eyes repeatedly. "Headmaster, whilst I appreciate you keeping my sister safe, I do not approve of the compulsion spells or the Legilimency being used against me."
All eyes, which had once been on him, turned to the headmaster, almost in unison.


Well, there we go, a small filler chapter for you whilst I wrap my head around the fact that people are still reading this. I appreciate you all so much honestly. Idk if people read these, but if u do then......... ,sorry I hate the elipses thing now, here's a recap on this whole mess of a story.

Hadrian - Slytherin, king of hgwrts, bf- Draco Malfoy, true bwl
Olivia and Charles- Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff respectively, twins (I had to do that to fit with the story)

Blah blah blah, the whole Halloween mess, skip forwards to Hogwarts, Olivia finds Harry collapsed on the train, gets sorted into Ravenclaw, Charles Hufflepuff, James Potter throws a tantrum, all that jazz. Has a DADA class, sees Harry's boggart and her own. She's been getting visions on Halloween, Harry kills the troll, Charles takes credit. BAM DONE YES.

Hadrian Emrys RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now