010| the tape recorder

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BRIAR HADN'T SLEPT TOO WELL THAT NIGHT, this didn't often happen, especially when she was surrounded by the warmth of Steve. It was sometimes uncomfortable in summer months, the feeling of bodies pressed together, slow building sweat in pores and prickles of heat behind ears and knees. Briar lay very still with her eyes open, staring at her photos tacked to the wall above her head. The corners had been engulfed by shadow but she could see the glossy exterior of the photo booth she'd taken with Steve. They'd taken a replacement early in February of that year. She looked so happy, all teeth and freckles. Steve was kissing the side of her face in one, the last was their lips firmly together but the other two photos were just them messing around, laughter that could be practically heard through the photographs.

She wasn't scared for the future of her relationship but the future of herself. Steve was a constant figure and sometimes it was futile to believe that she could ever be okay without him. It was so stupid, if they wanted it they should go for it and say to damn to whatever anyone thinks. Steve's arms were around her and around midnight he started to snore. Steve didn't do it often but sometimes when at a particular angle it would happen.

It frustrated her as she lay watching the shadows curl around the walls, hearing the soft shudders of breath in her ear. Briar turned over, his arm lying over her waist. His hot breath was on her neck, hair tied in some awful knot on the back of her head. Briar sighed loudly and willed for winter when she'd tangle herself in his limbs and never regret boiling suns and warm sodas.

Briar sat up, Steve's arms fell from her and she turned to stare at him in the soft beam of moonlight pooling from her window, left uncovered since the storm. His snoring wasn't abrasive, just soft. Briar smiled at him, leaning down to kiss his forehead, stroking his hair. She loved him so much that she couldn't think straight.

She managed to get a couple hours sleep, lain away from him for the sole purpose of staying cool. Briar woke up to sunlight streaking her bedroom in many colours, pouring through dreamcatchers to create rainbow patterns on the walls. The many shards of glass danced like disco balls as Briar woke up and yawned loudly stretching her arms over her head and feeling all the muscles in her back pull like strings. The ache was gentle as she rubbed her face, pushing sleep out the corners of her eyes as she turned to stare at Steve.

He was still asleep, lain on his back stretched out. His hair was a rumpled mess, a chaos of dark caramel. Briar stroked her fingers through the strands again and watched as he started to come to. Dark eyes opened and then closed again, he screwed up his face but then he turned and looked at Briar. Most of her hair had fallen from its capture, resting in strands over her skin as she smiled at him. The touching of eyes was gentle and Briar was ready for some compliment or declaration of love. His eyes lit up and it was clear something had struck him like a bolt of enthusiasm.

"It's today!" He exclaimed.

"What's today?" Briar frowned, worried she'd forgotten something.

"He's back today! Henderson!"

Briar laughed at the genuine excitement of seeing the small boy again. To be fair, it had been a while since she'd seen his curly hair and toothy grin but the bond he'd built with her boyfriend was above and beyond. She attributed similarity in what she shared with Max, a couple of sisters, a couple of brothers. It was sweet and although she would've liked a small 'I love you' she appreciated the way that Steve cared for Dustin.

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