007| the harringtons

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BRIAR STARED AT HERSELF IN THE MIRROR until her features started to distort in her own minds eye and she was unsure who she was looking at anymore. She did look different, not in her face but in the way she'd dressed, the way she'd done her hair. Some of the blonde strands were pulled back, tied with a black ribbon. She wore a white shirt that Susanna had ironed for her only twenty minutes before, rolled at the elbows and buttoned to her chest, a cami underneath and a soft necklace that Steve had bought her poisoned over her still Spain-kissed skin. Her bangs were perfectly styled with a roller, natural makeup over her eyes and her lips. Her skirt was black, pinstriped and not too short. She wore May Jane's and white socks with small frills. She looked like she was going to school, she didn't like it.

The blonde was also ready about fifteen minutes early, she dashed her wrists and neck with perfume, reapplied some lipgloss and grabbed a small leather bag, throwing the metal chain over her shoulder. She hurried downstairs and into the living room where Ollie was sat, can of coke in hand while he pre-rolled his cigarettes for the next few days, he always claimed it was cheaper to do it himself.

"Oh look at you" Susanna beamed, set in front of the ironing board with some terrible sitcom playing on the television, Oliver didn't seem to be watching it.

"I hate it" Briar pushed her hair over her shoulders, "do I look sweet? Rich? I don't know what they're expecting"

"You look preppy" Oliver stated lazily, "like a bitch who knows she's a bitch but isn't going to act like she's a bitch"

"Ollie" Susanna scowled, "your sister looks lovely"

"Like a lovely bitch" Oliver grinned, "I'm just messing Bri"

"No I agree with you" Briar sighed as she readjusted her hair in the mirror, "Steve said to just wear what I normally wear but they don't seem the kind to enjoy the colour yellow, you know?"

"Don't worry about it dear" Susanna sighed, "it doesn't matter what they think, even Steve said that much"

Briar couldn't exactly explain the absolute burning need for Steve's parents to like her because her mom was right. It didn't matter to anyone but at the same time, they were Steve's parents and although they were terrible people a sense of validation certainly wouldn't go a miss. Not to mention college, she hadn't told her parents or her brother that she'd even gotten in not to mention her plan of going and taking Steve with her. Briar wasn't sure why it had become a secret, a taboo to even mention. It's not that she wasn't comfortable telling her parents she was still scared it was all going to go crumbling down. Maybe she was still being optimistic, hoping Steve's parents would take it with glowing apprehension and give them enough money to be comfortable. They were rich and Briar knew she was not. Enough money for her tuition and then not much else. Maybe she should've gotten a job.

"Briar I can practically see the nerves running in your eyes" Susanna stated simply, "seriously, it's not a huge deal"

"They're his parents" Briar straightened her hair, readjusted her necklace.

"They're assholes" Oliver spoke simply.

"Ollie" Susanna scolded again them after a pause she shrugged, "but they are assholes"

"Doesn't mean they're not his parents" Briar played with her pearl earrings, "and I know he doesn't like them and I know why. They've never treated him well and I shouldn't even care, I know but I do... I don't know why I just do"

"Makes sense" Arlo walked into the room holding a mug of coffee, "I was shitting bricks when I met your grandma"

"How'd it go?" Briar asked hopefully.

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