003| reflected in the lake

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MAX LAY ACROSS THE RUG ON THE FLOOR, flicking photos above her head with growing interest. The shining lights of Spain shone down into eyes through the capturing of blue skies, ocean fronts and white sand. She made small comments about similarities to California with the palm trees and the crowds of tourists and people who believed they weren't tourists but most definitely were. It was clear she missed her old home.

Briar sat giving explanations about the things she'd captured including the family of cats who liked to nap in shadows and the way the hotel span round the pool in a dazzling constellation of windows and badly applied sun cream. Yet again she felt the need to skip over certain parts including the way that Oliver had vanished for two days, sleeping the entire time in order to 'clear a headache' how he'd actually been away snorting drugs up his nose and buying pills while his family swam in the pool, blissfully unaware of the entire situation. Max didn't need to know about that.

"I wish I could've come" Max sighed,

"I know" Briar smiled as she moved to sit on the rug next to the young girl, "but I told you, one day we'll have a girls trip... you, me, eleven... Nancy and Robin, probably Clover too, you've met Clo right?"

"Couple of times" Max nodded, "where would we go"

"Oooh I don't know" Briar pondered as she rested her back against a cushion, "anywhere you like... somewhere sunny with a pool, maybe a water park near by. You ever been to a water park"

"No" Max grinned, "they fun?"

"Hell yeah they are" Briar laughed, "you'd love them... sorry I haven't called you sooner, there's been so much going on here"

"Oh it's alright" Max shrugged, "I didn't know you were back"

"Yeah we had to come home early" Briar murmured, "it's a long story... my brother basically"

"Oh right" Max stated softly. She didn't know enough about Oliver to make the correct assumptions but she knew the details that would not make it entirely surprising that he could've cut the holiday short.

"How's things been here then?" Briar grinned, "I want all the details about how you've been manipulating Steve to get free cinema tickets"

"That wasn't my idea" Max said quickly before Briar gave her a knowing glance, "okay it was totally my idea but I wouldn't call it manipulating more... bonding"

"If you say so" Briar rolled her eyes, "seen any good movies?"

"Not really, Lucas is really into these zombie ones or horror films and Mike thinks they're hilarious. Haven't seen much of Mike because him and El are always away snogging or something"

"Any progress with El?"

"Not really" Max shrugged, "I'm not sure she likes me very much"

"I'm sure she does, she's probably just shy" Briar smiled gently, "give her time... from what I've heard she's had an incredibly difficult life. You are taking Will around aren't you? Not leaving him out?"

"Why would we be?"

"Because you four are couples" Briar explained,

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