Chapter 5: Down Memory Lane

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6 am the clock read, it was almost going to be time for work anyway and Madison was in the kitchen drinking coffee already waiting for Shaun Maddie meanwhile was thinking about everything that happened so far.

"Mom, tell me why I don't know him?" It startled her at her daughter's voice squinting her eyes seeing the old picture of them on the bus.

"Oh, gosh Sharon, don't do that. Can you ask me later?" She asked.

They both turned to see Shaun coming

"Okay, I'm ready." He noticed the picture frame and gently got it from his child. "no, no one touches... that." He turned back to the girls.

"I want to know who he is. Why won't you tell me?" She asked again.

"Let's go, I don't want to be late," Shaun said, ignoring the question she asked twice.


"Good news you two will be working on a transplant," Neil said

A small sigh escaped Madison's lips as she had to hide it real quick when he glanced at her, she turned to see him, Steve again what does he want she thought, as they spoke Madison snuck around the wall and met up with the little ghost boy or Angel whatever it is.

"So, let me ask you what is so wrong with Sharon my niece by the way knowing who I am?" Steve asked.

"Seriously, you too? Look I'm trying to keep myself from going insane I just found out my dead best friend has been haunting me ahem." Madison spoke with abit of sarcasm and anger.

"Not my fault I'm dead! Let it go already." Steve retorted.

"Oh, you want to talk about faults? Who's the one that decides to be stupid and go up a train, turning around and falling to their death oh yeah, you." She whispered angrily still.


It was school's first day the two brothers walked over to sit in their seats with a girl in the middle, she had blonde hair and was very pretty, Steve nodded for him to do something as the little girl dropped her pencil.

"Oh, h—here you go," the young boy her age spoke holding it up. "You dropped this?"

The fourteen-year-old pulled her hair back behind the ear and looked "oh! My bad, thanks." She said grabbing it gently from his hand, at recess Madison read a book called little red riding hood, she loved the book a lot one of her favorite tales as the boys watched.

"Go talk to her," the younger brother said.

"W—what do I say?" He asked looking down at his little brother.

Steve would roll his eyes and begin walking toward her with Shaun behind "hello, we have a history together, I'm Steve this is Shaun."

She looked up smiling closing her book and standing up "pleasure." Madison shook Steve's hand as she'd held it out for him.

"Mmm..." Shaun moved away.

"Sorry, he doesn't like anybody touching him -" "- because he's on the autism spectrum?"

"Yeah, how did you?—"

"Know? It's not hard to notice symptoms of it, they don't worry I'll be glad to be your friend."

Red was then given her name by Steve as she and the boys played often but that's when the time trouble started.

- Present-day -

"And that's why you should tell her," Steve said.

"Fine, fine I'll tell her, but later."

And later never happened as Sharon was playing on her phone while waiting for her parents to get home from a little trip to get the delivery.

Meanwhile at the store to get ice for the cooler Madison saw Shaun looking at the slushie. "Why aren't you answering me, Shaun."

Another Flashback

"They have nowhere to go, and they won't go home." Muttered an officer talking to Doctor Glassman.

Another one brought Shaun a slushie but he didn't take it he kept looking down

"I got this sir," Madison spoke politely and took the slushie as she was given it, she knelt down "hey, Shaun, don't you want to try it?"

No answer or movement

"I know, but there's nothing we can do now, you know what?" She smiled and had her red one putting the blue one next to him taking a sip.

She thought if he saw her drink one he'd follow her example, and with that, he gently grabbed it and look at her drinking it, a small smile showed on Red's face.

Present-day -

"Right, you don't answer questions, okay well-" suddenly Shaun grabbed the cooler and put a slushie in it.

Madison looked at the temperature meter going up.

"It worked." Madison was excited and saw he answered.

"Yes, it did."

Meanwhile back at ST. Bonaventure Sharon got bored and sighed looking around, she looked for something in the kid's room to play with until she was startled seeing the boy.

"Shh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you, it's me your uncle Steve." He said to her.

"M—my what?" To her surprise, it was her uncle Steve but she didn't know that.

"I know, no one told you about the dead kid, I'm Steve Murphy your father's little brother so you're my niece." He held the picture frame "the boy in the photo." His finger touched it.

"Why would no one speak of you, I mean even my parents above all else." She asked her uncle curiously.

"Let's just say, my death wasn't as peaceful as you'd think, but I don't think you should know yet you're still young." Steve smiled.

Keeping her company and playing with her just in time her parents came back, Sharon was going to hug her dad but even though it was unexpected it wasn't that he didn't want to he was just not used to anybody touching him.

He backed up abit this got Sharon upset but she understood her dad's condition, so to change the subject and was silent.

"I finally met uncle Steve, since you two didn't want to tell me." A little mad she'd walk out.

Sighing softly she looked at Shaun and he looked at her.

"We should tell her the truth..." Shaun told Madison always know to tell the truth because what happens in the dark always comes to light.

Nodding agreeing the two walked up giving the delivery to the staff as she leaned back in the lounge chair just resting her feet from all the walking, Shaun sat next to her.

"I think we did well." He said to Madison.

"I'm a bad mother," Madison replied sadly.

Shaun didn't know what to say to that as he looked at the ghost boy finally seeing his brother smiling back at him and Maddie, she looked also and saw the tall woman with him to take him back home, wondering who the hell she is.

Authors Note: I hope you liked this and if you did don't forget to comment and give this a vote, this story wouldn't have happened without. JessicaCoffaro  my faithful and loyal friend

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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