Chapter 4: Journey to the Past (part 2)

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No, no, no, no come on..." the female voice spoke picking up a little boy with another rocking back and forth fiddling with his hands as she held one hand to him.

At first, it scared him as he jerked a little seeing she was friendly like always he let her.

The little blonde didn't know what to do now, with two of her friends in the warehouse.

"It's okay, Shaun he'll be just fine."

Int. Dr. Glassman's office

Glassman still looked at her for an answer


(Moves in her chair a bit)

Steve, I think it is Steve because this isn't the first time he came here, am I crazy?

(Looked at Maddie shaking his head)

No, but I will assign you a therapist maybe that should help you at night.

St. Bonaventure - Doctors lounge - Evening

Madison walked in seeing the looks on everyone's faces then just sat at the end of the table not a word to be said and just went to get a bottle of water, she didn't feel like telling anyone or talking to anyone.

Following Shaun to do their scut work, he was checking on an old man only last thing she heard was

"He's 86-years old everything is discolored." Nurse Frydy said.

It was then the little girl was next as Madison smiled. "Hello, I am Dr. Montgomery and this is Dr. Murphy are you, Martine?" Her tone was so gentle having a kid of her own.

Shaun checked her breathing and then began to touch her and see what hurt since she complained about problems to Madison she never saw this in Shaun as a smile watching

(Touches her side)
Does that hurt?

(Smiled cause it made her giggle)

(Does it again on another part of her side)
Does that hurt?

(Watched him)

Even though it was in mutter she could hear the parents bickering and wondering if they've been doing that all day, because that could cause stress on the child but her mind woke with Shaun's talking and the bickering making it hard for her to concentrate especially after what she saw yesterday hanging over her mind like a shadow it wasn't helping her nightmares and PTSD

"I need d-timer lactate and aymalies."

Neil came in to check the pad from the nurse

"What tests are you ordering?"

"D-timer lactate and aymalies," Shaun repeated.

"Was this your idea also?" Neil asked Madison

She shook her head no as he looked back at Shaun.

This brought up another memory, randomly to her.

~Flashback ~ to the past ~

"How hard is it to act like a normal kid?!" The boys' father yelled

"Please leave Shaun alone." Their mother said not even help much

"This is the third school he got kicked out of, they don't know how to deal with him, I don't blame them." He continued to yell. "What happened now?" Not getting an answer he'd slap Shaun "will you stop petting the stupid rabbit." He grabbed it from Shaun's arms and threw it against the wall dying instantly.

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