Chapter 1: The Stranger

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St. Bonaventure Hospital

At the hospital A young girl early twenties, it seemed, she'd be working on a surgery calmly it wasn't until they got another call that she was told to go see while they had other nurses for the one, she was working on, a boy her age was outside in the cold rain they didn't let him in so she pushed the door open.

"I-I need to get in there. He's going to die." He told the blonde.

"Hey, Shh it's okay he'll be alright, okay?" She could see his piercing blue eyes; dark hair he was autistic. She could tell just by looking at the person and the way they act.

"No, I need to go in there and help. I'm a surgeon." He was about to get angrier.

"Don't let him in. He doesn't work here." A guy said to her after he walked out.

"You got to be joking? We're just going to leave him out here in the rain?" She said to her colleague as she was getting drenched two.

"Rules are rules, Ms. Montgomery." He called out.

Sighing did she hate when this happened? Not giving him even the slightest chance at all, she looked at him and took him underneath the hospital as he was wet as well as she.

"So, you just came to the hospital to deliver us a new one? What's your name?" The young blonde would ask calmly.

Ignoring her question, the young man would just talk "I came here because Dr. Glassman had me here."

She nodded and would move her wet strand of hair to the side giving a friendly smile.

"I see, so you know Dr. Glassman?" He asked.

Nodding in confirmation, she's had it with these people and let him in any way as the others were trying to stop her.

"Alright, I'm telling Dr. Glassman right now, how unfair you all are treating this poor man." She got angry at her colleagues.

Suddenly everything changed when he was needed since not many of them didn't know what to do, he scrubbed and got in to help to know what he needed, the blonde girl was with him, she tried to follow his instructions giving him what he needed looking at the patient they had she was mesmerized at how he was able to figure out what to do that other can't she wanted to know about him learn the best she can and when it was break time he sat alone in the cafeteria like the new kid at school not allowed to sit with any of the cool kids.

He could see the girl walk up to him and look up at her.

"May I sit with you?" She asked kindly.

He nodded not saying anything as she sat down to eat with him being the nice girl out of the mean ones like in high school sadly all over again, he smiled and began eating.

"So, you never told me your name." She told him.

"Well, you didn't tell me yours." He stated then questioned "why did you help me?" not many people would help him as he was accustomed to, growing up, and now with her being the helper of his current situation, it was all new to him.

"Because I'm not an ass like Dr. Melendez over there." She pointed her fork behind her shoulder to show him where he sat to eat then continued to use it to eat.

"I see, are you always this spunky?" he wondered.

Looking up at him with a smile she just shrugged not saying yes but not saying no or continuing to eat, once after eating she picked up the tray and smiled.

"I was born that way, to deal with people like him," she jerked her head to Dr. Melendez as a small smile showed "by the way, my name? It's Madison, Madison Montgomery." Madison finally told him smirking and walked to the trash can dumping everything except an apple she put on his tray.

"Madison..." he thought about how pretty the name was and smiled looking up at him "Dr. Shaun Murphy."

The Apartment


After a long day's work in the hospital she was definitely glad to be home in her own apartment getting her keys until she heard the same footsteps as from the hospital she hesitated to look up but with a quick side glance she saw Shaun heading to his apartment – okay that's weird she thought to herself not knowing they had the same apartment but as he was about to get in the house a figure showed a few feet away Madison stood between them wondering who he is looking at.

It's like he was smiling back at someone to his eyes stood a brunette little boy smiling at him with a taller woman beside him holding his hand and nodding at him as if promising something without saying anything as she looked at the boy and he looked back at her they turned around and walked disappearing into the light.

Once that was over Madison walked beside him her arms folded curiously watching whatever he was looking at that she could not see.

"Who was that?" she asked him.

He didn't answer and went inside raising an eyebrow she smiled and went back to her room as he watched though intrigued by this girl and interested the two in each of their rooms would lie on their backs thinking to themselves, Shaun got up not comfortable sleeping yet, he would look around it was the same as when he and his brother would sleep at and hide from the others.

Slowly opening the door he'd walk over and cautiously tried to knock on her door as he was about to, she opened it smiling at him.

"Yes, Shaun?" she asked.

"May I co—come in?" he asked her genuinely.

Letting him in she smiled showing what was left of her apartment not much sadly the young child that was there before came back to see how he was doing only to get a look from the taller woman to go back where they came from.

"You have got to be careful when you go down here okay?" she told him gently.

"I know, I'm sorry mom." He said looking down while lying down on his cloud and a cloud blanket wrapped around him.

She would just get up stroking the top of his head and leaning in to kiss his forehead gently before leaving him be, she closed the door with the letter S on it walking the halls quietly, inside the room he'd look at a photo he had of another boy and was happy but saddened at the same time he saw him along with that girl until his eyes finally gave in and fell asleep.

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