Chapter Twenty-five: Belphegor

Start from the beginning

"No. It was God." Cass answered.

"Huh. Anyways. I'm not just some crossroads demon. And I'm not one of those black-eyes goons that crawled it's way up here to earth, to kill, you know, virgins and puppies puppies."

"Don't say that." I said.

"Okay. Anyways. Downstairs, I punch a clock. A soul comes in, I torment it. It's what I do. I like my job. I like Hell the way it is—or—or was. So, all the bad guys? You want them back from where they came from, right? Well, me too. Okay? We're twinsies, guys."

"No. We most definitely are not twinsies." Cass answered.

"Can you fix this?" Sam asked.

"Um, no. But I can get you out of here with a little spell. Nothing major. Just need some graveyard dirt...and angel blood." Belphegor said.

"Cass." Dean looked at him.

Belphegor held out his hand that held the dirt as Cass cut his hand and dripped a few droplets of blood into the dirt.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Hush, love." Belphegor shushed me.

Sam frowned deeply and moved closer to me.

Belphegor sighed and clapped his hands together, the pounding on the doors suddenly stopping.

"You're welcome." Belphegor said as we all walked out of the crypt and out into the graveyard, now littered with deader dead bodies.

"Hey. It worked. High five." Belphegor said, holding his hand out to me.

I looked at him for a long time before sighing and giving him a high five, walking away from him and over to Sam.

"You okay?" Sam asked me.

"No. There's a demon possessing my fiancé's body." I reminded him, crossing my arms. "I'm done."

"What?" Sam asked.

"After this Hunt, I'm done. I'm out." I elaborated.

"What? You can't. Anna, we need you." Sam said.

I shook my head and looked at him. "All I've done since becoming a Hunter was loose people. I've lost my mother, my father disowned me, you guys have died on multiple occasions, Mary died, and now Jack."

"Yeah.'re engaged. That's good, right?" Sam said.

"Sam. I will never be able to get married to Jack now. Okay? As much as I loved to Hunt, I just—I can't anymore." I said.


"Sam. Please don't try to talk me out of this. It's what I want."

He sighed softly and nodded, pulling me in for a hug. "Okay. Well, kicking ghost ass is is a pretty good way to end your last hunt."

I laughed a little and nodded. "Yeah."

Sam pulled back and smiled, pushing my hair from my eyes. "Let's get Hunting."

"Sam," I took his arm. "Can you maybe...not tell Cass and Dean? At least not now. I just don't want them to get distracted from the Hunt."

He nodded. "Sure. When you're ready."

"Thank you." I said with a smile.

"Hey, Sammy! Anna! We're headed on out!" Dean shouted from a few feet away.

"Coming, Dean!" I shouted back, looking at Sam. "Beers at the bar after this? On me."

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, the two of us walking towards the others. "Let's make your last Hunt memorable."

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