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"You really don't remember? Unbelievable! You were a legendary gladiator, undefeated in the ring. You defeated an infamous Galra gladiator known as Myzax. That was the day you earned the name "Champion." I was there, as was the young Earthling." the former galra prisoner explained as he told the two earthlings what happened while there was another problem. Two of the origins are fighting and drawling blood while the others are trying to get the two to stop...The two fighting are Brody and Rhys, soon stopped when Pidge yelled "You attacked my brother? Why?" "No, it can't be true." Shiro spoke in disbelief "I was there. We all were." the former galra prisoner spoke "After my brother was injured, where was he taken?" Pidge asked "I know not." He spoke

"I don't believe it. There's got to be more to the story. I-I couldn't have hurt my friend. Wait. That ship we were held captive on crash-landed on this planet. They'll have logs of prisoners, some information." Shiro spoke "I'm coming with you." Pidge told him

with you (your pov)

"Oh, Lion God, I, King of the Arusians, formally beg your forgiveness. Please have mercy on us and accept our traditional Dance of Apology as atonement for our wrongdoings." the king said as he claps twice and a Arusian in a dress comes forward "Commence Dance of Apology! Hoorah!" the king exclaimed as the women starts dance there were cheers "There's no need for this." I spoke "Moontow, halt! The Goddess has refused the apology. Start the sacrificial fire. We must throw ourselves in." the king spoke as they start to scream "No! No one is a sacrifice!" I yelled "So, we may proceed with the dance?" the king asked "That's a better alternative." i told him and the king claps twice. After the dance was done they all bowed making me shocked and i looked back at Allura and she nodded "Please, rise. Thank you for that, but I am not a great being worthy of your worship. I accidentally put you all in danger. It is I who should be apologizing to you. I am Prince Y/nand this is Princess Allura and these are the Voltron Paladins. Although we originally came from different worlds... and have very, very, very different traditions, we wish to live alongside you as friends." i explained

"But the mighty robotic angel... has it not come to destroy us because of our immoral ways?" The king asked shocked "Voltron? No. In fact, that mighty robot is here to protect you. Let it be known that Voltron will protect every innocent being throughout the universe!" Allura spoke and they cheered one came up to Keith and hugged him "Hehe" i laughed at him while pointing at him. "I don't usually hug strangers, but, uh... Man, you are cuddly." Keith spoke putting a hand on the Arusian's head "Thank you." the Arusian spoke in a deep voice "Oh my.." i spoke in shocked

with pidge (Pidges pov)

I grunt as me and Shiro jump down from a platform "This looks like the master control board, but there's no power." I told Shiro "All you need is power?" Shiro asked "Yeah, but one that's compatible with Galra tech." I told him and i looked around as Shiro activates his arm and placing it on the desk making me in shock "Whoa... I can't believe you got this to work." i told him and the computer started beep "My dad's and Matt's whereabouts must be logged in here somewhere. Once I download this information, I'll find some way to decode it back at the Castle." I spoke typing away "What? Oh, no." Shiro spoke while i didn't look away "What is it?" I asked

Shiro: "Something just entered the atmosphere. I'm not sure what it is, but it's big, it's Galra, and it's coming right for us. We gotta go!" Shiro spoke removing his hand for a moment before i placed it back "Shiro, don't move! I'm only 15 percent done. I'm not going anywhere." I yelled and i go back, a little later i hear Shiro yell "Pidge, I'm sorry!" then picking me up and leaving the crash site "No!" I yelled "Team, come in! We need backup! Hello?" Shiro yelled "Shiro?" Allura asked "Where is everyone?" Shiro asked


Keith: "What's going on?" 

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