Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Part II)

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Wishbones and Cracked Skulls

Chapter 03: Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Part II)

(The Skull is Cute saga continues)

Warnings: Violence, mentions of human trafficking, sexual harassment and typical Mafia stuff. Oh yeah, grammar too hehe


~Royal Blue~

"Give that back Nello!" Arms tried to weigh down Colonello's right arm by hooking down the crook of his elbow.

Too bad that the person is too light for his own good to do much, that and Colonello's arm strength is no joke, hefting heavy artillery and big cargo packs gave him guns to be proud of.

Colonello's arm did not budge.

The blonde gave Skull a smug grin as he looks down at the shorter man. "Haha, reach for it then kora~"

The answering indignant pout was too cute for words and pictures were taken liberally. Because in Colonello's honest opinion, a pouting Skull is just as good as a smiling Skull. Anyone who says otherwise would be a liar and a candidate for target practice.

(A blushing Skull is best though, whether he was pissed, embarrassed or pleased, the context does not matter as pink taint on the man's cheeks become more pronounced.)

Skull changes strategy and pushes himself to stand fully on his toes with no difficulty, arms outstretched over his head. Colonello follows his strategy and does the same, but without the toe balancing, much to the stuntman's annoyance and to Colonello's glee.

Skull is by no means short, standing at a respectable 5'10. Too bad Colonello has a good few inches on him, being 6 flat and the second tallest of their group.

(The mad scientist holds the record of being the tallest among them and it never ceases to annoy the soldier with the doctor and his poor posture.)

"Come on Nello! Just give it back or I'm gonna, I'm gonna," Skull fumed, the red on his cheeks intensifying, stumbling over his breath as he made short jumps.

If squealing is not so damaging to his image, he would do it right now, but unfortunately, he has to keep his dignity or the bastard Sinclair would be snickering and making snide remarks at his failure to contain himself.

Ha! As if the narcissistic bastard has any say on that regard, asshole is worse than him in Colonello's opinion. Him and Fon.

"Try kicking him in the nuts. Trust me, it works everytime." Colonello whipped his head towards his traitorous superior, betrayal written all over his face.

"What the hell Lal! Don't put ideas in Skull's head."

Lal Mirch didn't even deign him a glance from her perch on the sofa, cleaning one butterfly knife from her collection of knives. As always, the woman managed to look dangerous and effortlessly cool, one of the major reasons for his previous crush in his superior.

She raises one imperious eyebrow. "It's better than having you teach shit to him."

"Oi! Don't curse! And I would neve—"

"Thanks Miss Lala. Why didn't I think of that?"

That was the only warning Colonello have before he reflexively squeezed his thighs together and brought his hands down to his groin area for protection. Dodging it flew out of his mind with the hand going way faster than his brain could catch up.

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