54|| Then comes the Fall

Start from the beginning

"His own actual competitors with equal standing right now, this day and age, would rather build false harmony and exist with mutual and 'friendly' cooperation than try to be an actual enemy-! If he wasn't afraid to have people investigate them, proper tipping off actual government and taxing agencies...imagine, just imagine-! Now that we don't have that property, all our waiting investors and partners are pretty much gone, can we even last another week without some huge scandal starting under our name?"

Isaac sighed, all his attempts to calm the panicking woman down were futile, "I know...I know." He sighed, and he really did. For reasons unknown, most of Osoro.co's competitors in the early and middle stage emergence of the brand always had some missteps. No one knew the true reasons why but everyone had their suspicions. Right now there was a vague peace but even that could collapse if he just so willed it. Everyone would rather avoid the headaches of a determined pest like Elijah Osoro zeroing on them.

Even with so many enemies he still lived nicely and Osoro.co prospered freely. The heads he stepped on to get that high...other cooperates swallowed and merged into such a giant. A man like Osoro didn't get to where he was by gathering other people of his stature and singing kumbaya, that much was clear.

Isaac made a calculated risk in choosing this path while knowing all of that...seeing it collapse infront of his very eyes should've had him panicking like Sienna yet he wasn't about to.

"But...Sienna, there's really no need to panic..." His tone fell to a whisper, "Your operations and finances are clean, aren't they-?"

Seinna's mouth immediately snapped shut. She looked surprised at his question but it didn't last. After a few seconds she swallowed thickly, continuing also in a whisper. "I...does it matter? Isaac? That man...he already bought out Jonas, do you really think Jonas will keep his mouth shut about our actions against Osoro.co on a whole? It will be enough for that man to create something damning..."

"Even if we were clean as christ himself, I know somehow, someway, they'd find something, something that even I didn't know existed and you wanna know who'll be dragged through the media and our spaces, both of us and moreso me Isaac! Because if its one thing the media loves it's women like me falling out of grace."

After hearing her yell, two more people who just began leaving the venue turned to peer at them with sudden interest. Isaac caught their gazes and frowned deeply.

This...it cannot continue.

"Lets just... we'll further discuss this and how we'll deal with it elsewhere," Isaac murmured. He grabbed onto her forearm and began drawing her along, later whistling for a valet as they got closer to the pavement.

The sounds of shuffling footsteps followed them, "Hey wait a damn minute I havent gotten a full explanatio-!"

Isaac paused to stop and stare over his shoulder at the man who still seemed to be swimming in disbelief. He cleared his throat and fixed his tie. "We don't owe you anything, Ethan," Isaac spoke with the smallest sneer. "If anything you need to get going too and figure out what you'll do for yourself because if you think you're gonna walk unscathed from this...you're sadly mistaken."

With those vague final words, Isaac got their car keys from a valet who had pulled up seconds before. With one final glance towards Ethans direction, he soon left with Sienna pinching the bridge of her nose in the seat beside him.

Ethan had no choice but to watch them go. It felt like his mind was elsewhere. He was still reeling and it took a cool gust of fresh wind to get him back to his senses. He blinked, wildly. He was set for life...where did it all go wrong... His mind felt as if it was slowly disassociating as he tried to figure that out.

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