Chapter Five:

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Luke and I's hands were intertwined as we walked towards the dinner hall. For a while we swung our hands playfully without exchanging a word between us, but I soon found the silence unusually strange. I decided to as him about his family.

"So who am I meeting tonight?" I ask shyly. He looks over to me and his face freezes in thought. I wait for him to think it over.

"My step mother, father, and my numerous brothers." He chuckles and looks over to me again, his eyes glimmering with excitement.

"Well I bet they are all wonderful." I smile letting him lead us around another bend in the hall. I had no clue where we were going and I didn't attempt to try and keep up with the amount of turns and twists we had pasted.

" father is a bit stubborn and controlling, but kings are breed from their personality some would say. My step mother is fine, not too intrusive, but once again not my mother." He pauses and scans around the hall. He seems lost in his thoughts.

"Do you remember your mother?" I ask trying to pull him out of his daze. He nods and stops in the middle of the hallway.

"Yes, I do. I remember her holding me on stormy nights and then scolding me for messing with my brothers too rough. I remember her sweet smell, her beautiful smile and laugh. I remember her grace and beauty as she walked these halls with her head up high...but the one thing I don't remember is her being upset. She was never mad, or sad. It just makes me believe more that she was kidnapped and didn't run away liken they say she did..." He stops and smiles as the few memories I watch him hold onto.

"You're lucky to have those memories Luke. Always hold onto them." I say giving him a hug, avoiding the thoughts running through my mind of my absent memories about my own mother. He chuckles and smooths my brown hair down my back a few relaxing times.

"You remind me so much of her. So beautiful and a queen should be." He says moving a strand of hair out of my face. I stiffen at his words. A queen? Me? No he must be joking. I quickly change the subject.

"So how are your brothers? Besides Ashton of course." I laugh nervously , adding a shy smile. He chuckles.

"Ashton is quite a character; cocky and good with girls, but he won't get this one." He says smirking and pinching my sides. I giggle and shove him off of me. "Louis is really loud and...actually almost exactly like Ashton. I must have missed that trait. As for the step brothers...Liam is humble, kind and very proper. But Harry is different, he keeps to himself and stays away from us besides to get food and have a minimal human contact. For the month he's been here I've only talked to him twice, including his introduction."

"Well I can't wait to meet them." I say smiling. I try to keep my nerves minimal, but as two large doors come closer, my heart beat picks up quickly. My palms start sweating against Luke's.

"Ready?" That's the second time he has asked me that today. I nod and take a deep breath, stepping through the doors with him.

For as prestigious as the castle is, the dinning room is simple and elegant. The red banners still around us, but only on the far end is a large bay window. The huge table in front of us houses at least 50 seats. The easily recognizable king, and the presumable new queen are sat at one end. Luke leads us over to them.

"Oh hello Lucas!" The new queen exclaims. The king looks into my eyes, piercing me with his cold grey stare. I gulp and grasp into Luke's forearm. "Who is this fine young lady?"

"Addiana must I tell you again the boy's name is Luke, but yes Luke who is this girl?" The king snaps back. I can hear him snarl the word girl. I shudder and look at Luke. His eyes are hard trained on the kings face.

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