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We went back to the same dinner place but this time, I placed the order for dinner.

Kit was busy on his phone when I came back after placing the order. He looked up dismayed when I sat down.

"What happened?"

"Beam and Ming had a quarrel and Beam stormed out. Ming just called me asking for help to find him."

"Want me to help too? Let's go."

"But you just ordered the food. I don't like disturbing it..."

"Don't worry. That's not important. I cancel it. I meet you outside k?"

Once I was done, I went out and caught Kit on the phone. He was speaking agitaedly with someone. He hung up and said it was Pha. He found Beam at the bar and told us to hurry over. I called Ming whilst we took a cab to the bar.

Once we reached the bar, I told Kit that I will wait for Ming and bring him in. Kit nodded and hurried in. Ming arrived about 10 minutes later and we both hurried in, only to see Beam punching Kit in the face!

What the... before I could step up to say anything, Kit stepped away from that situation and turned around. He saw me, gave me a small smile and he took off. Ming and I were gobsmacked. I ran up to Pha whilst Beam just took off even more angrily.

Ming was perplexed but he went after Beam.

"Pha, what happened?! Why did Beam punch Kit?!"

"Beam.. he just found out that Kit loved Ming all this while but he never said a word. Beam feels like he stole Ming away from him and feels very sad that he did this to his friend..."

"But why did Beam hit him then?"

"Because Beam wanted to end things with Ming. That's what Ming and Beam fought over. And so when Beam came here and Kit arrived, Beam confronted him on his feelings but you know Kit. He will never do anything to hurt his friends.. so when Beam was so insistent on giving Ming up for him, Kit got angry and slapped him, berating Beam for treating him like a place to dump 2nd hand products too. Hearing Kit degrade Ming pissed Beam off so he punched him.. but I know why Kit said that. I'm jsut.. I don't know what to do with these two anymore. I feel like I just lost both of them.."

"How did Beam find out about Kit's feelings?"

"He had stumbled upon Kit's journal. Mistaking it for his medical notes, he opened it and read everything.."

I sighed. "I will go look for Kit. You check on Beam ok?"

Pha nodded and we both took off respectively. I reached Kit's dorm and knocked on his door incessantly. He finally opened up about 10 minutes later. His eyes looked red but he looked super angry. Behind him, I saw clothes half packed, his suitcase out and books in a mess.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"Get lost Forth. I don't have to tell you anything."

"I agree but don't you think you need to talk to Beam first?"

"I don't have to explain anything to anyone and I am sick of everyone treating me like ice or dumping everything else on my head."

"Kit. It's not that and you.."

"I said get out. You aren't my friend so stop behaving like you are mine."

"Kit, you are angry but you need to watch what.."

"What? I am right. 2 dinners and 1 bar outing doesn't make us friends. I said get out!"

Kit yelled at me and he slammed the door on me. I gripped my hands tightly, super angry at what he just said but I held it in. If I lost my temper like he did, we will not get anywhere.

I sighed and turned away, calling Ming. He was in his dorm with Beam who had frozen him out. I went over, trying to see what we could do.


TIll We Unite (ForthxKit) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now